Reviso Svelte Themes


SQA past paper question categorisation and revision site (I can't get the domain working at the moment so go to


Reviso is a site that provides random SQA past paper questions for revision. It also provides marking schemes and answers for questions. It is available at

At the moment, Reviso only supports a few questions from a few N5 subjects, but more are added regularly.

Reviso is written in SvelteKit and is hosted on Netlify.

The actual past paper questions are stored in src/lib/questions.yaml.

To begin editing the site, you will need

  • Latest version of NodeJS installed
  • Latest version of npm installed
  • A terminal
  • A modern web browser


  • Clone the repository to your local machine
  • Open a terminal and navigate to the directory of the repository
  • Run npm i -g pnpm to install pnpm.
  • Run pnpm i to install all dependencies. (You may use your preferred package manager instead if you wish.)

To start a local dev server, run pnpm run dev and navigate to the link shown in the terminal. Upon saving a file, your changes will be shown in the web browser.

To build for production, run pnpm run build, then pnpm run preview (or pnpm run buildview) to preview the final site.

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