
The plugin svelte-prefix-loader allows you to specify the directory from which you want to autoload the components, depending on the prefixes in the tag name.


npm install --save-dev svelte-prefix-loader


npm i -D headmad/svelte-prefix-loader


// rollup.config.js

import svelte from "rollup-plugin-svelte"
import prefixLoader from "svelte-prefix-loader"
import myHandler from "./plugins/myHandler.js"

// Other imports

const prefixLoaderConfig = {
  App: './[prefix]/[block]/[block][-elem].svelte',
  My: myHandler

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      preprocess: [ prefixLoader(prefixLoaderConfig) ]
  • In path template, you can use PascalCase lettering. For example: ```

./[prefix]/[block][-elem].svelte => ./my/header-logo.svelte ./[Prefix]/[Block][Elem].svelte => ./My/HeaderLogo.svelte

- In square brackets, you can use any simbols **before** keyword (prefix, block, elem). For example:

./[prefix]/[block][__elem].svelte => ./my/header__logo.svelte

- If tag has no `Block` or `Elem` section, template just skip they in result. For example:


=> ./bem/header/header.svelte => ./bem/header/__logo/header__logo.svelte

## Also
As a path you can specify a function that should return string - path to svelte-file

The sample code of the handler function:
const path = require('path')

module.exports = function(rootDir, {prefix, block, elem}) {
    return path.join(rootDir, `/${prefix}/${block}${elem ? '-' + elem : ''}.svelte`)


  • rootDir
    String. Path to dir of root svelte-file (App.svelte)
  • prefix
    String. First word in tagName. Exemple, in tag <AppPageHeader />, prefix is "App"
  • block
    String. Second word in tagName. Exemple, in tag <AppPageHeader />, block is "Page"
  • elem
    String. Third word in tagName. Exemple, in tag <AppPageHeader />, elem is "Header"

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