svelte-monaco-editor Svelte Themes

Svelte Monaco Editor

Monaco Editor Svelte

An easy to use component that intergrates monaco editor in your svelte application.

How to use -

import { MonacoEditor} from "svelte-monaco-editor";

let editorValue;

<MonacoEditor style="width: 100%; height: 40vh;" language="javascript" bind:value={editorValue}/>

Props that are available -

    Value - Editor Value, Type - String
    let value;

<MonacoEditor value={value}/>
    Style - CSS Styles, Type - String
<MonacoEditor style="width: 100%;/>
    ClassName - CSS Class, Type - String
<MonacoEditor className="editor"/>
    EditorRef - Editor Reference, Type - Any

    Any code that have to be executed on editor, like configuration can be done by editorRef.

let editor;

<MonacoEditor editorRef={editor}/>
    Minimap - Minimap in Editor, Type - Boolean
<MonacoEditor minimap={false}/>

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