Search Select Svelte (SSS)

A light weight, easy to use select Svelte component with lots of handy integrated features


@Daniel Ho


A demo app of this component can be seen here.


  • Allows more than just text to be displayed in select (eg: emoji, icon, etc).
  • Allows searching for the corresponding value.
  • Customable UI (using global classes, lib, etc).


Install SearchSelectSvelte with npm

npm i @canadies/searchselectsvelte


    import {SearchSelectSvelte} from "@canadies/[email protected]"
    let list = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
    let selectedValue

    <script src=""></script>

<div class=" max-w-md mx-auto flex flex-wrap gap-10">
    <h1 class="font-bold text-3xl w-full">Search Select Svelte Demo</h1>
    <SearchSelectSvelte bind:selected={selectedValue}>
        {#each list as item}
            <li class="select-option" data-value={item}>{item}</li>
    <h3 class="text-xl w-full">Selected value: {selectedValue}</h3>


ul (dropdown board)

Properties Type Description
selected string Required. Used to bind the selected value
inputPlaceholder string Optional. Placeholder of the select (default: 'Search here')
dropdownCssClass string Optional. Style the select dropdown using css class (global css, tailwind, etc) as you wish
dropdownStyle string Optional. Style the select dropdown using css style as you wish

li (select option)

select options must contain the class "select-option"

Properties Type Description
data-value string Required. Value of the select option


For further support, feel free to email


If you find any bugs, be my guest to create new issues ♥️♥️


If you find this useful, please leave a star on my github repo, it would help me a lot ♥️♥️♥️

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