
Hkdigital Jsdevtool

Development tool to setup and manage SVELTE frontend and NodeJS (backend) Javascript projects

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Development tool for NodeJS and SVELTE projects


DevOps is the integration of development and software operations. This project can be used to integrate DevOps functionality into your javascript projects.

The project contains scripts to setup a NodeJS (backend) or a SVELTE (frontend) project. After installation the project will contain a devtool, which can be used for running, building and managing your project.


Since both NodeJs and SVELTE and other tools and dependencies are under constant development, this project also is under constant development.

  • April 2024 - Especially SVELTEKIT has advanced a lot. This devtool currently only supports the "almost classic" version of SVELTE. Because the classic SVELTE is still a very advanced frontend tool that we need for running projects, library projects or small single page projects, we will continue to support it. But SVELTEKIT solves a lot of things that most developers want like routing and server side rendering. So it's definitely worth checking if that's what you need.

  • April 2023 - The current setup includes a basic setup for the JEST testing framework. Note that SVELTE 4 and 5 now include Vitest.

  • March 2023 - Support for Windows has been added. If you encounter problems or have a good idea to make this tool better, please create an issue.

  • March 2023 - Dumping and restoring ArangoDB databases to and from disk. Note that the devtool requires arangotools (arangodb) to be installed on your system to work.

Install dependencies

The devtool script has some dependencies that should be installed first on your system.

@see Install dependencies and code editor

Create a project from scratch

Create a project folder and install the devtool

Open a terminal, create a project folder, goto that folder and install the devtools into the subfolder hkdigital-jsdevtool.

mkdir my-project
cd my-project
npx degit hkdigital-jsdevtool

(Option 1) Setup a SVELTE frontend project

  • Open a terminal and go to the hkdigital-jsdevtool folder
  • Run the setup script
  • Go to the project root folder and run the installed devtool script to manage your project
cd hkdigital-jsdevtool
npm run setup-svelte
cd ..
node devtool.mjs

Open a browser

Use a browser and navigate to the displayed url, e.g. http://localhost:8888/.

Open the project folder with your code editor

Open the project folder with your code editor. You'll find a file [src/index.html], which is the starting point of your SVELTE application. The browser will live reload code changes you make.

(Option 2) Setup a NodeJS backend project

  • Open a terminal and go to the hkdigital-jsdevtool folder
  • Run the setup script
  • Go to the project root folder and run the installed devtool script to manage your project
cd hkdigital-jsdevtool
npm run setup-nodejs
cd ..
node devtool.mjs

Open the project folder with your code editor

Open the project folder with your code editor. You'll find a file [src/index.js], which is the starting point of your NodeJS application. The application will be restarted every time you make some changes to the code. If this is not what you like, simply stop the devtool and run it when you're done making changes.

Reinstallation or updating

If your project is missing the hkdigital-jsdevtool folder, e.g. after cloning the project from a repository, you will need to reinstall the folder.

Note that the hkdigital-jsdevtool folder is in the .gitignore file, so won't be added to your git project. So when you clone your project using git, you'll notice that the folder is missing.

If you want to update hkdigital-jsdevtool, you can safely remove the folder and reinstall it.

  • Remove the existing folder
  • Install a new hkdigital-jsdevtools folder
  • Run node devtool.mjs

Howto install missing hkdigital-jsdevtool

Run the following command in your terminal if your hkdigital-jsdevtool folder is missing.

npx degit hkdigital-jsdevtool

Next steps

If you want to learn about the subcommands of the devtool, just run the script without any parameters and it will show some help.

Furtermore: a file called is installed in your project's root folder after running one of the setup scripts.

Learn GIT

Git is an important tool for developers. It is integrated in the devtool. To learn more about working with git:

@see Git tips and tricks

Install libraries

To speed up the development of your application, we recommend to use libraries. You can create your own libraries, so you can reuse code in multiple projects or you can use the libraries published by HKdigital or both. The publishing of the HKdigital libraries is work in progress, but brave men or woman can already use them.

HKdigital's base library

Libraries may depend on eachother (use code from another library). The is one base library that most other libraries need Base Library.

This library can be used in both SVELTE and NodeJS projects and contains code constructs that can be used to create a nice application basis.

HKdigital's frontend libraries

Frontend library for SVELTE projects Frontend Library

More specific frontend libraries will follow.

HKdigital's backend libraries

The backend library is undergoing heavy changes and has therefore not been published yet, please contact us if you're interested

Backend library for NodeJS projects (private) Backend Library

More specific backend libraries will follow.

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