intersection Svelte Themes


Compute the intersection of two collections based on Svelte and TailwindCSS

Compute the intersection of two collections

My first try with Svelte and TailwindCSS:))

Hope you enjoy!


  • root /: Input the sizes of two collections and choose which one to iterate, then run the computation to get the size of the intersection and the time cost.
  • statistic /statistic: Run it multiple times(default 30) and see the relationship between time cost the the sizes of collections, which highly depends on which collection to iterate/put into Hash Set.


  • Language: Typescript, postcss
  • Framework: Svelte
  • CSS: TailwindCSS
  • Component Library: Flowbite-svelte
  • Plot Library: Plotly website
  • Add Web Worker for computation to prevent blocking the main thread
  • With unit tests by vitest and e2e tests by playwright
  • Deployed on git pages:
  • DarkMode


Attention! flowbite-svelte@0.39.1: wanted: {"node":">=16.0.0","npm":">=7.0.0"}

npm install
npm run dev


npm run build

You can preview the production build with npm run preview.

Mind: it use static adapter to deploy on git pages so once you build it, use http-server or other tool to preview. Or you can switch the adapter to auto

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