
This package is designed to provide you with auth0 authentication for your svelte-kit app

Github repository

If something is unclear, you can take a look at the Demo App and Demo app repo

NOTE: Please use 0.1.0 or later version of this package.

Setting up this package

  1. Create an Application in Auth0 website

  2. Under the settings tab of you application, find the Basic Information section. Then find the Domain and Client ID strings. You will need these later.

  3. Under the settings tab of you application, find the Application URIs section. Then find the Allowed Logout URLs, Allowed Web Origins and Allowed Origins (CORS) inputs. Fill these inputs with the url that your app is running locally ( e.x. http://localhost:3000 ). There is an additional input Allowed Callback URLs, fill this with your callback URL, if you do not have one - fill the url that your app is running at ( e.x. http://localhost:3000 ).

  4. Create an .env file for your project and declare these variables:

  • VITE_AUTH0_DOMAIN - Fill with the Domain data from step 2 of Setting up this package section
  • VITE_AUTH0_CLIENT_ID - Fill with the Client ID data from step 2 of Setting up this package section
  • VITE_AUTH0_REDIRECT_URI - Fill if your app has a redirect URI ( optional )

Initializing the Auth0

  1. In your root layout file import the auth object that is the default export like this: import auth from 'sveltekit-auth0'
  2. Use the onMount hook and call auth.initializeAuth0() to initialize the Auth0 client

Using the initialized Auth0

You should now be able to use the main methods for interacting with Auth0

Two other methods are bundled in the default export:

  1. loginWithPopup - will attempt to log the user in by providing a popup with a login window from Auth0
  2. logout - will log the user out

You would use them as such:

import auth from 'sveltekit-auth0'


// AND


All other methods can be imported as such:

import { getIsAuthenticatedValue, getIsAuthenticated } from 'sveltekit-auth0'

// And used like

const isAuthenticatedValue = getIsAuthenticatedValue();

// OR

const isAuthenticated = getIsAuthenticated();

// Listen for changes on the value
isAuthenticated.subscribe((value: boolean) => {
   // Do something with the value

Methods available:

  • getUser - will return the Readable object from Auth0 which you can subscribe for changes
  • getUserValue - will return the User object from Auth0
  • getIsAuthenticated - will return Readable object which you can subscribe for changes in isAuthenticated. Ex. after login/logout it would get the new value.
  • getIsAuthenticatedValue - will return if the user is authenticated or not at this point in time
  • getPopupOpen - will return Readable object which you can subscribe for changes of login popup is it open or not
  • getPopupOpenValue - will return if the login popup is open or not at this point in time
  • loginWithPopup - will attempt to log the user in by providing a popup with a login window from Auth0
  • logout - will log the user out

Reporting issues, asking for features

If you find any issues, please open up an issue on the repository. You can also post anny feature suggestions or improvements there.

Happy coding!

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