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Svelte With Docs

learning svelte by going through the interactive tutorial-based documentation on their site:

Spread Props

  • this topic was a bit tricky
  • here i learnt how to use the spread operator to spread the properties of our component, instead of defining them one by one
  • here's how we do it
    • in our JavaScript, make an object (can be called anything)
    • the properties of this object match exactly to the properties that the component accepts
    • the values of the properties are simply what they are
    • and so we can define our component like this:
      <Component {...objectName}>
  • this is because props is (very very likely) an object and each time we define props for a component, the props object gets populated with the appropriate property name and value respectively
  • so, we are taking the contents of our made object, and spreading them on the props object. i understand

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