raguprato Svelte Themes


A rad App to practice Guitar songs

RAGUPRATO - Rad Guitar Practice Tool

Video Demo: D.tube


RAGUPRATO is a practice tool for playing guitar. It consists of personal lessons the user can create which have the following features:

  • Youtube integration
  • Free flow integration of chord sites like echords via an Iframe
  • A stopwatch to track how long a track was played / practiced
  • Chords can be saved
  • Tabs can be created
  • Strumming patterns can be created via Drag and Drop
  • Personal notes can be saved
  • Overview of open and finished lessons with the time dedicated for it
  • Microphone integration for visual effects which represent the notes when playing
  • Uses the built-in local storage of the browser so that users don't need any account
  • All data of a user is saved via the integrated local storage db to avoid amassing too much data for privacy concerns and also to avoid implementing of a central server structure as well as well as keep the data into the users hands

Technologies which were used:

  • Svelte
  • node-sass
  • Rollup
  • Axios
  • sirv
  • localStorage

Files contain the following:


The entry file for the application


Global styles. Styles which several components share


Some helper methods which are shared by several components. These are for example a debounce function to avoid triggering a specific function too many times, an apiCall function which implements error checking, a simple createID function which uses Math.random() to create unique ids and an updateLesson function which updates the localStorage of the user


The main meat of the application. Contains code to render a youtube videos, an <Iframe /> for chords, a diagram for strumming patterns, a stopwatch and notes


Header component containing the stopwatch for the Lesson component


A list component which lists all lessons including a quick overview about which lessons are and how long was played

The sticky header

Items for the header


Basically a form where you can add a youtube video, an url for the chords as well as the title and the artist of the song


A simple stopwatch implementation. It uses the window functions window.setInterval and window.clearInterval for implementing the functionality. Also, hidden from the user, an updateTime function collects the seconds which have passed since the interval was running to compute the total time the user has spent practicing


A graphic representation of the result of an api call to the youtube api


Uses the users microfon to visualize the chords played using the Audio interface of the browser

App is deployed via Github Pages

How to launch the Application

  1. Clone the code: git clone https://github.com/Gh05d/raguprato.git
  2. Run command prompt in the folder and run npm install to install all dependencies
  3. Once installed run the command npm run start
  4. In your browser go to [localhost:5000]
  5. You are ready to go!

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