Small ethers implementation for svelte
Note: Keep this codebase light. No more than 250 lines of code (maybe not including connectors once more are implemented)
yarn add svelte-eth
npm install svelte-eth
Connect and disconnect from injected provider like metamask. (ref: todo below)
// App.svelte
import { connect, disconnect, account, chainId } from "svelte-eth";
<button on:click={connect}>Connect</button>
<button on:click={disconnect}>Disconnect</button>
<p>Connect to chain ID: {$chainId}</p>
<p>Connected account: {$account}</p>
Instantiate a contract and use it
// App.svelte
import { contract } from "svelte-eth";
$: dai = contract(ADDRESS, ABI);
$: balanceOf = () => $dai.balanceOf("0xAb......Cd");
You could also do this from within a file for example
// balanceOf.js
import { get } from "svelte/store";
import { contract } from "svelte-eth";
export default async function balanceOf(address) {
const dai = get(contract(ADDRESS, ABI));
return dai.balanceOf(address);
// App.svelte
import balanceOf from "./payable/mint.ts";
const balance = balanceOf(address);
yarn build
To run the local example you can run the following commands
git clone
cd svelte-eth && yarn && yarn build
cd example && yarn && yarn dev