

Automatically create Crystal JSON mappings from input

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Automatically create Crystal JSON mappings from input

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  • Go to
  • Input your (complex or not) JSON in the textarea labeled as "Input"
  • Copy the generated Crystal code from the textarea labeled as "Output"
  • (Optional) Test the output on by clicking the button labelled as such


  • By clicking the button labelled as "Run on" you are sending the input to it. Please redact any sensitive information before doing so.
  • JSONs with array as root won't work as it's outside the scope of this tool.
  • Nothing is nullable by default.
  • All Ints and Floats are 64 bit by default.
  • Keys that are not valid Crystal variables (eg. starting with - or a number) will get assigned a random name.


Optiomization recursively removes unnecessary structs untill there's nothing else to do. While this makes the output smaller, it also makes the structs unmaintainable.

Eg. The following JSON...

{ "person": { "name": "Ciel", "height": 154.52 }, "cat": { "name": "Sakamoto", "height": 0.25 } }

...would generate two structs, one for the person and one for the cat. But with optimization on, they will use the same struct since their keys & the types of their values are the same. But if the person gets a weight key but cat doesn't, a new struct just for the person needs to get generated. Having two seperate structs, in this case, would make adding a key easy.

While the above example uses a simple JSON, Shipwreck should be able to handle complex & nested objects (even if inside arrays!).


  1. Read the Code of Conduct
  2. Fork it ( )
  3. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create a new Pull Request

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