This project allows you to use the Redux Dev Tools browser plugin when working with a Svelte store instance.
To use this package in your project as you develop, you simply import this package instead of the svelte/store and create an instance of the exported class, instead of 'Store'.
import SvelteDevStore from 'svelte-dev-store';
const myStore = new SvelteDevStore({name: 'Gareth'});
myStore.set({name: 'Bob'});
myStore.set({name: 'Jim'});
myStore.set({name: 'Jeff'});
Then when you open up the Redux dev tools, you should see 3 newState actions and the chart should show the structure of your svelte store.
svelteDevStore has the exact same API as the actual svelte/store. It just extends it to incorporate sending actions to a very simple redux store, that enables you to see it in the dev tools.