sveltekit-lucia Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Lucia

SvelteKit Lucia Project Template

Welcome to your SvelteKit Lucia project template! This repository provides a basic setup for building applications using SvelteKit, complete with user authentication and database integration.

Svelte-kit: Typescript-ready Meta-framework.

Lucia Auth: low abstraction Auth Library.

Drizzle ORM: lite weight Object Relational Mapper.

Cloudflare Stack: Cloudflare d1 SQL database, KV namespace, and more through the wrangler interface.

Tailwind CSS: CSS framework for rapid UI development.

SKELETON UI: Famous Svelte library.

Getting Started

Follow these steps to set up your project:

0. As usual

npm i

1. Create a D1 Database

Set up a D1 database to store your application data.

wrangler d1 create sveltekit-lucia

and add the output toml bindings to your wrangler.toml file:

binding = "DB" # i.e. available in your Worker on env.DB
database_name = "sveltekit-luciadb"

2. Create a KV Namespace

Create a KV namespace for managing key-value storage.

wrangler kv:namespace create sveltekit-lucia

and add the output toml bindings to your wrangler.toml file:

binding = "sveltekit-luciakv"
id = "da88841132724cf8a41416d92a476e95"

3. Configure wrangler.toml

Ensure that your wrangler.toml file looks something like this:

name = "sveltekit-elysia"
compatibility_date = "2024-06-20"
pages_build_output_dir = ".svelte-kit/cloudflare"

MY_VARIABLE = "production_value"

binding = "DB" # i.e. available in your Worker on env.DB
database_name = "sveltekit-luciadb"

binding = "sveltekit-luciakv"
id = "da88841132724cf8a41416d92a476e95"


Run cf-typegen command to update the env variables
npm run cf-typegen
Change the kvnamespace name in the whole directorie with

4. Apply Default Migrations

Run the default migration to create the necessary tables for users and sessions. This can be done both remotely and locally.

Run migrations on production
npx wrangler d1 migrations apply <dbname> 
Run migrations localy
npx wrangler d1 migrations apply <dbname>  --local

5. Create and Add ENV Credentials

To enable user login functionality, you need to add either a Brevo SMTP key or Google OAuth credentials (or both) in your .dev.vars file

  • Brevo SMTP Key: Follow Brevo's documentation to generate an SMTP key.

    Also don't forget to edit the content of the email and the sender address in ./src/lib/emailing/brevo.ts

  • Google OAuth Credentials: Create OAuth credentials in the Google Developer Console.

Make sure you .dev.vars file looks like this:


6. Accessing User Objects

Once set up, you will have access to the user's object globally in every request event or page load event.

7. Drizzle Kit

If you edit your schema and want to update your db you can use:

npx drizzle-kit generate

Project Structure

  • src/: Contains your Svelte components and application logic.
  • static/: Static assets like images, fonts, etc.
  • migrations/: Database migration files.
  • wrangler.toml: Configuration file for Cloudflare Workers.


This project is open source and available under the MIT License.


Feel free to modify any sections to better fit your project's specifics!

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