Table-viewer-svelte-mongo Svelte Themes

Table Viewer Svelte Mongo

Project Description: Table Viewer This project provides a simple web interface to view tables and columns of a MongoDB database. It consists of a Node.js backend using Express for the server and a Svelte frontend. Features: Retrieve a list of tables from the MongoDB database. View columns of a selected table. Fetch data from a selected table.

MongoDB Table Viewer

This project provides a simple web interface to view tables and columns of a MongoDB database. It consists of a Node.js backend using Express for the server and a Svelte frontend for the user interface.


  • Retrieve a list of tables from the MongoDB database.
  • View columns of a selected table.
  • Fetch data from a selected table.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the project folder: cd mongo-table-viewer
  3. Install dependencies for both backend and frontend:
    • For the backend, run cd backend && npm install
    • For the frontend, run cd frontend && npm install
  4. Start the backend server: cd backend && npm start
  5. Start the frontend development server: cd frontend && npm run dev
  6. Open your browser and go to http://localhost:5000 to access the Table Viewer.


  • Node.js: The backend is built using Node.js, Express, and the MongoDB Node.js driver.
  • Endpoints:
    • /tables: Get a list of tables.
    • /columns/:tableName: Get columns for a specific table.
    • /:tableName: Get data for a specific table.


  • Svelte: The frontend is built using the Svelte framework for a reactive user interface.
  • Features:
    • Dropdown to select tables.
    • Display columns for the selected table.
    • Button to fetch data for the selected table.

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