PySvelte-Login-Template Svelte Themes

Pysvelte Login Template

A template project for Python and Sveltekit - Login has been completed using a temporary dictionary database.

PySvelte Login Template

A template project for Python and Sveltekit with tailwind and DaisyUI preinstalled.

Login has been completed using a temporary dictionary database.

This template was created using VSCode connected to WSL2. To use without further configuration, either do the same, or use with VSCode installed within a linux distro (tested with Ubuntu).

Setup (terminal):

  1. clone the project and cd into it cd /path/to/PySvelte-Login-Template
  2. cd ./svelte_frontend
  3. npm install
  4. mv .env-exampple .env
  5. cd ../python_backend
  6. python -m venv ./venv
  7. source ./venv/bin/activate
  8. pip install -r requirements.txt
  9. Open in VSCode, run with F5
  10. Default login is user, 123.

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