

Iota Address App created with the framework Svelte. You can add iota addresses from the public test network and see their balances.

IOTA Address App

An App developed with Svelte and Typescript. For the Ionic UI components were used. You can add IOTA addresses from the devnet and they will be updated through a mqtt connection that is maintained inside a websocket.

Example Addresses from the devnet. [ 'atoi1qz6dr6dtl0856tf0pczz7gesrf7j8a4vr00q58ld2zx7ttlv3p96snpym9z', 'atoi1qpp7sz28a0ghvd6knwnljr7j2s04qquduuc5vlz94fwf94zznj2yv5ew2c4', 'atoi1qzje6zhg5vu456eg3z84ekcfn3laxqyczche5eeqhcdh3w9yr5sqvr4z4td', 'atoi1qqwhxjmcvmatpedeedapgx0vwyupfwx9k5n4w0lnc5l6vmz78aavwhs55v0', 'atoi1qzg63t9880jtfysvpq7rrynz0rqt3kd2fw8r4934ezraz9dpwvzxkw2dtmh' ]

To give the addresses some iota you can use the faucet


To start the application you need to run the websocket and the application.

In the package json you can use the scripts that run both concurrently:

dev-with-websocket or start-with-websocket

But you need to install concurrently before that (npm install concurrently --save)

Usage of App:

The added addresses can be deleted by swiping left and then clicking on the delete button. Underneath are several buttons where the value type (IOTA, MIOTA...) can be selected, the display will be changed according to that.

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