rusty-dusty Svelte Themes

Rusty Dusty

A Rust WASM + Svelte cellular automata web app

Rusty Dusty WASM App

Rusty Dusty is a Rust WASM web app that runs a simulation of different grid-bound particles. You can try it out at

How to play

The blue square is the canvas, where the particles exist. You can click and drag to place particles. On the right is the toolbar, where you can use the slider to change the brush size and select the type of particle.


The frontend is written in Svelte + TypeScript, and makes function calls to WASM functions written in Rust.


  1. Ensure you have cargo and npm installed.
  2. Ensure wasm-pack is installed with cargo install wasm-pack.
  3. Install npm dependencies with npm install --include=dev (in the project's root directory).
  4. Build the WASM with ./
  5. Run npm run dev to start a local server, and visit the specified localhost link (probably localhost:5173).

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