nft-auction-demo-site Svelte Themes

Nft Auction Demo Site

A demo Web3 Auction app built with Svelte.

NFT Auction Demo


This is a (TestNet) demo web application that lets a user mint an NFT, create an NFT auction, and bid on ongoing auctions. However, this is NOT a complete NFT auction app with all the functionalities you'd expect from a production-level app. This serves purely as a quick demo on interacting with a decentralized application on Algorand with Pera Wallet (Wallet Connect).

This demo uses a smart contract whose source code can be found here.


  1. Clone the repo to your device git clone
  2. Use your Node package manager of your choice to install the dependencies, e.g., npm install, or yarn install, or pnpm install
  3. Use your Node package manager to run the developer server, e.g., npm run dev, or yarn run dev, or pnpm run dev

FinHub Hack Series Attendees

For those attending the FinHub Hack Series and would like to use this repository as inspiration, please note the following considerations (list not exhaustive) you'll have to make in addition to what has already been done:

  • Error handling (failed transactions, sdk calls, user input, etc.)
  • Closing out of smart contracts
  • dApp usage guidance or documentation
  • Proper handling of fees (shouldn't be hard coded)
  • Mobile experience (if applicable)

While you may learn from this repository, your submission must ultimately be original. Please do NOT simply copy and paste large chunks of code from here.

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