
Project uses various technologies defined in subdirectories of this repo.

Technologies defined here, are present in frontend as well as backend, they include:

  • JavaScript duh
  • TypeScript
  • Node
  • Yarn package manager
  • Prettier

You should have at least basic knowledge about these technologies before committing. :)

Running app in production

1. Install dependencies

yarn install

2. Build frontend

cd PlaylistDJ.Frontend && yarn run build

3. Build backend

cd PlaylistDJ.API && yarn run build

4. Start database

MongoDB was used in development. The usage if an ORM makes it possible to connect to different databases Although not tested.


Alternatively you can provide a connection string in PlaylistDJ.API/mikro-orm.config.ts if you have an Atlas Cluster.


Modify said file to connect do a different supported database

Either way if the ORM cannot connect to the DB, the backend will crash

5. Modify .env file in PlaylistDJ.API/

6. Start backend

cd PlaylistDJ.API && yarn run start

Folder structure

Root directory contains various parts of the service

  • PlaylistDJ.API is a backend code
  • PlaylistDJ.Frontend contains the frontend code
  • PlaylistDJ.Types for type definitions used in multiple places

Creating pull requests

Please read through the guidelines for committing code.

  • Create a branch with the correct name (details below)
  • Use Prettier
  • Commit often with less code
For IntelliJ platform users
  1. In Project view click the root (playlist-dj) directory
  2. Select Code > Reformat Code
  3. Check
    • Optimize imports
    • Rearrange entries
    • Cleanup code
  4. Run

Branch naming

Branches should respect the following naming convention


Action specifies a purpose for a branch

  1. bugfix code related to fixing a bug
  2. feature adding code for the purpose of creating a feature
  3. cleanup code removal, refactor, etc...

Branch name summarises what kind of task was made.

  • use_snake_case_to_split_your_words



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