finite-potential-barrier Svelte Themes

Finite Potential Barrier

Svelte page to visualize the trasmission of a quantum wave through a finite potential barrier

Finite potential barrier

Part of a Physics 2 assignement that involves the study of a wave function in 1D where a potential barrier is present. In order to achieve the task, here's a Svelte page to visualize the trasmission coefficient in dependece of:

  • barrier width
  • barrier potential
  • particle mass
  • particle energy

To the reviewer

The files of major interest regarding the computation are found in utils folder. In particular:

  • Complex.js defines the class complex number with many useful methods for calculation;
  • Matrix2x2.js defines the class for matrices of dimension 2 by 2 with complex entries;
  • linear.js defines (among other functions) the class LinearScale which constructs an array of equispaced points of a numeric interval, with method indexOf(x) which return the index of x inside the array (if present) with order of complexity O(1);
  • transmission.js defines the two functions used to compute the coefficient T:
    • transmission(E,V0,l,m) computes T when energy E and potential V0 (both in Rydberg) are different; l and m are, respectively, the barrier length in Angstrom and the particle mass as multiple of electrom masses.
    • transmission_pot(E,l,m) computes T when energy and potential are the same.

The public folder contains the release static files of the web page hosted here. There is also Node script (main.js) which, starting from a json file in the data folder having structure defined in schema.json and specifying plot characteristics, generates a .dat file having the same name with the values of energies and transmission coefficients in a table-like format. For example node main lengths will parse data/lengths.json, compute the trasmission coefficients, and write the file data/lengths.dat.

Code explanation

Fundamental Complex and Matrix2x2 use

Both classes have chainable methods to express on one line multiple steps. For example the code to evaluate k is:

k.becomes(-m*E, 0).pow_r(.5);

Which translates to the math passages: k = -mE and k = sqrt(k). The method pow_r elevates the complex number to a real power: by running some test pow_r(.5) turned out to be surprisingly more performant than a intoSqrt() method which resorted only to Math.sqrt.

Matrix assignement are more cumbersome, but the base principle is that each Matrix2x2 instance has four complex propeties (a b c d) which represent the for components of a 2 by 2 matrix. By treating them exactly as Complex instances, it is possible to assign values to the matrices; for example:

const M = new Matrix2x2();

In math language, translates into the matrix:

Transmission function

In order to minimize (relatively expensive) memory allocation during computation, all the objects used inside transmission (and transmission_pot) are declared globally. In the function body, after calculating k and beta, values are assigned to all needed matrices, they are multiplied (with assignement, like a *= operator), and the a component of the resulting matrix is used to find the transmission coefficient.

const M = [new Matrix2x2(), new Matrix2x2(), new Matrix2x2(), new Matrix2x2()];

function transmission(E, V0, l, m) {
    k.becomes(-m*E, 0).pow_r(.5);
    b.becomes(m*(V0-E), 0).pow_r(.5);

    // matrix assignment code

    return 1 / M[0].a.squareModulus;

Graph values computation

To obtain a graph of T as a function of energy, we need to sample transmission on many E values belonging to an interval (the one visible in the viewbox, between minE and maxE), once the values of potential, barrier width and mass are fixed. To achieve that, a LinearSpace instance is used to divide an interval in equispaced values. Special caution must be taken when energy and potential are equal, since at this point another way of computing T must be used: luckily the method indexOf of LinearSpace returns the index of a specified value among the equispaced points (or -1 if not present) with complexity O(1) (leveraging the order of the array).

// fix potential V0, barrier width l, mass m

const x = new LinearSpace(minE, maxE, 500, minE == 0);
const y = new Array(500);

var i=0;
const potential_index = x.indexOf(V0)
if(potential_index !== -1) {
    for(; i < potential_index; i++) y[i] = transmission(x[i], V0, l, m);
    y[potential_index] = transmission_pot(V0, l, m);
    i = potential_index + 1;
for(; i < potential_index; i++) y[i] = transmission(x[i], V0, l, m);

// all T values associated to the x values are now in y

Overflow and underflow cases

When the values of barrier length and mass are high (for expample a proton, which has ~1836 electron masses, with barrier length 10A and potential 11eV), some matrices' components that depends exponentially on them become very high or very low (order of 10^200 or 10^-200): in these cases, further calculation such as matrix inversion lead to over- or under- flow, which in turns means that in edge cases the graph in the web page will not render.

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