Yup validator for Svelte

  • Elegant

  • Using Svelte actions

  • Full yup support


<script lang="ts">
  import validator from "svup";
  import { string } from "yup";

  const { register, isValid, onSubmit, errors } = validator({
    validateOnInput: true,
    schema: {
      email: string().required().email(),
      password: string().required().min(8),

<form on:submit(onSubmit(console.log))>
    <input type="email" name="email" use:register />
    <input type="password" name="password" use:register />
    <button disabled={!$isValid}>Submit</button>


  • schema(required): The validation schema to test against.

  • validateOnInput: Validate on on:input event or not. If not set validation happen on on:blur event.


  • register is an action what should used on <input> element, it will prepare everything for the validaton.

  • isValid is a Readable<boolean> store what notify you if the form is valid or not.

  • errors is a Readable<boolean> store what contains the error messages from yup schema.

  • onSubmit is an on:submit event handler. It expect a callback what get the form values.


  • <input> name property and schema key must match for validation.

  • Simply throw use:register action onto inputfield and u good to go.

  • You can define custom on:input and on:blur listeners, they will called before validation

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