
SvelteDash is a normal Svelte component library with some extra perks.

What are those perks?

  1. Highly customisable components, the components are not under huge abstraction, they are normal Svelte components, you can edit them easily.
  2. The components are not restricted to a single design guideline, there are collections of components called themes. The components of that theme will its guidelines, for example, retro.
  3. SvelteDash is not only a library, but also a community. If a user doesn't like the existing themes, he/she can start an own theme from the help of the community and push it to the library making it accessible for everyone.

Note: SvelteDash official website is still under build.

We've launched our first theme => Blite (BLack & whITE) beta version, styled with tailwind. It has only some important components like Appbar, Button, Card, Accordion etc.

Right now there are only a few components and few people, but that doesn't mean we stop here, we have so many amazing ideas. So join us and start building better styled components

SvelteDash Discord Server:

Repo Link:

Just clone the template and start importing the components from the components folder.

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