learning-svelte Svelte Themes

Learning Svelte

Just some code to check the differences between svelte and some other frontend frameworks

Just a beet

Learning Svelte

Just some code to check the differences between svelte and some other frontend frameworks.

What you will find here

In this repository you will find a not clean svelte code, the reason for this is to show the specific anatomy of svelte code and to help this achieve, there will be some comments explaining things that for those who already know svelte are obvious explanations.

Why the logo of this project is a beet?

Make code and learn new technologies is already fun, if you make jokes on this process it will be better!

In the ui created here you will find the Schrute Farm simulation where you can plant beets

Beet icons created by Freepik - Flaticon

TODO's for this project - Gonna make another project with svelte kit

  • Create pages using some router library
  • Create a form page to show the basis of how to handle form events
  • Create a group of pages with shared state, something like a dark mode

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