clean-tauri-sveltekit Svelte Themes

Clean Tauri Sveltekit

sveltekit and tauri combined in a simple template

Tauri + Svelte 😩

Start creating an amazing experience for your users by unleashing the power of svelte and tauri.
Install the template's dependencies using npm install (or pnpm install or yarn)

Use the command npm run dev to start a development server


Make use of the Vite Tauri plugin to seamlessly run Tauri upon development and preview. Enjoy the flexibility and convenience of Vite in your Tauri project.


This project uses the adapter-static SvelteKit adapter. I kindly removed Server-Side-Rendering (SSR), and prerendering by default (no more document or window is defined). However, if you prefer to use SSR or any adapter of your choice, you can delete the +layout.js file in the src/routes folder.


When you run npm run dev, Tauri's tauri.conf.json is merged with JSON text and build.devPath will be changed into Vite's currentPath. Get ready to unleash the full power of Tauri and Svelte!

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