
Kujira Svelte

Template for creating frontend sites for Kujira apps.


A SvelteKit project template for Kujira apps.

Getting started

This template can be cloned and used as a base for new Kujira app sites. We use bun as the package manager and runtime.

To run the site in development mode, run the following commands:

bun install # Install dependencies
bun --bun run dev # Run vite dev server in the bun runtime


This template is a WIP and does not yet support most functionality, notably most transaction behaviors. Wallet connection functionality has also only been tested with Keplr.

The template uses SvelteKit with export const ssr = false;, as most apps will function largely as SPAs. This simplifies dealing with Svelte's stores as you do not need to deal with the "server-side" case.

We use TailwindCSS for styling, and MeltUI component builders.

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