
Svelte Reveal.js

Reveal.js Svelte wrapper


svelte-reveal.js is a very convinient reveal.js wrapper for Svelte.

You can see a demonstration of the default reveal.js presentation using Svelte, SvelteKit and svelte-reveal.js.

If you want to port this library to another framework, I'd be glad to convert this repo to a monorepo to make the maintenance easier.

reveal.js is a window based library and is not SSR friendly. Though, it still works with static rendering!


Install svelte-reveal.js with your favorite package manager

# npm
npm i -D svelte-reveal.js reveal.js
# pnpm
pnpm i -D svelte-reveal.js reveal.js
# yarn
yarn add --dev svelte-reveal.js reveal.js


    import { RevealJsContext, Slide, white, SvelteRevealHMR } from 'svelte-reveal.js';

<RevealJsContext themes={[white]}>
    <!-- use SvelteRevealHMR in dev to enable hot module reloading -->
    <SvelteRevealHMR />

        <h1>Hello world!</h1>

API Reference


The component <RevealJsContext> loads reveal.js and initialize a Reveal context.

Props Type Description
options Reveal.Options optional — reveal.js options. See the official documentation and the typescript source code. Do not pass plugins through this props, they would be overriden. Use the plugins props instead
reveal Reveal.Api bindable — reveal.js presentation object.
loaded boolean bindable — false by default and turns true when the presentation is loaded. Can be used to display a loading screen

If you want a specific route for each slide, do provide the option { hash: true } and make sure that your presentation is wrapped in a /[...slug]/+page.svelte folder to ensure the page is being redirected to your presentation.


To load aspecific reveal.js plugin, import it from the library and pass it in the plugins props:

<script lang="ts">
    import { RevealJsContext, markdown, white } from 'svelte-reveal.js';

{#if plugins}
            controls: true,
            progress: true,
            center: true,
            hash: true,

The available plugins are: highlight (code blocks), markdown, search, notes, math and zoom. Learn more in the official documentation.

You need an extra theme for the highlight plugin. Two of which are exported by this library.


To load a built-in theme, import it from the library and pass it in the themes props.

The available themes are: black, beige, blood, league, night, moon, sky, simple, serif, solarized and white


The component <Slide> displays a slide. This is the base building block of reveal.js.

All data-attributes used by reveal.js have been exposed as Svelte props:

  • autoAnimate: data-auto-animate, boolean
  • autoAnimateEasing: data-auto-animate-easing, string
  • autoAnimateId: data-auto-animate-id, string
  • autoAnimateRestart: data-auto-animate-restart, boolean
  • autoslide: data-autoslide, number
  • background: data-background, string
  • backgroundColor: data-background-color, string
  • backgroundGradient: data-background-gradient, string
  • backgroundIframe: data-background-iframe, string
  • backgroundImage: data-background-image, string
  • backgroundInteractive: data-background-interactive , boolean
  • backgroundOpacity: data-background-opacity, string
  • backgroundPosition: data-background-position, string
  • backgroundRepeat: data-background-repeat, string
  • backgroundSize: data-background-size, string
  • backgroundTransition: data-background-transition, string
  • backgroundVideo: data-background-video, string
  • backgroundVideoLoop: data-background-video-loop, string
  • backgroundVideoMuted: data-background-video-muted, string
  • charset: data-charset, string
  • id:: data-id, string
  • markdown: data-markdown, boolean | string
  • notes: data-notes, string
  • separator: data-separator, string
  • separatorNotes: data-separator-notes, string
  • separatorVertical: data-separator-vertical, string
  • state: state, string
  • timing: data-timing, number
  • transition: data-transition, 'fade' | 'slide' | 'convex' | 'concave' | 'zoom'
  • transitionSpeed: data-transition-speed, "slow" | "fast"
  • visibility: data-visibility, "hidden"


The component <Code> displays a block of code. This component requires the highlight plugin. See the official documentation about Code.

You need an extra theme for the highlight plugin. Two of which are exported by this library.

All data-attributes used by reveal.js have been exposed as Svelte props:

fragment props:

  • fragment:: fragment class, boolean
  • autoslide:: data-auotslide, number
  • id:: data-id, string
  • fragmentIndex:: data-fragment-index, number

code props:

  • contenteditable: contenteditable, string
  • language: set as a classname, string
  • lineNumbers:: data-line-numbers, boolean | string
  • lineStartFrom:: data-ln-start-from, string
  • noescape:: data-noescape, boolean
  • trim:: data-trim, boolean

Write the code with a line return, starting with a raw indentation:

    {@html `
    let name = 'world';

<h1>Hello {name}!</h1>


The component <Notes> allows you to write a side note that will only be displayed in the speaker view. This component requires the note plugin. See the official documentation about Speaker view.

There is no props for this component.

    This is a very convenient way to write a speaker note

Alternatively, you can also use the Slide notes props to define a note.


The component <SvelteRevealHMR> enables hot module reloading (HMR) in dev on your presentation. It's not working by default because Reveal.js adds classes to the DOM that Svelte isn't aware of and cleans up when it performs HMR.


  • svelte-slides is a template for using reveal.js I was inspired by.

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