reactiveconf-sapper-workshop Svelte Themes

Reactiveconf Sapper Workshop

Sapper & Svelte Workshop for ReactiveConf 2019

Build a Website on a Headless CMS with Svelte

It is not cool to have a WordPress template full of jQuery animations anymore. We can do way better and we all know it. But creating client side app in React for a web presentation will introduce its own set of problems. We will show you how you to create a presentation based on a headless CMS with Svelte and Sapper, a universal JavaScript framework with server-side rendering and very low runtime overhead.

Working repository for ReactiveConf 2019 workshop. Our goal is to build a website for fictional café with Svelte, Sapper, and Prismic as headless CMS. The result can be deployed to ZEIT.


  • Node 10+
  • npm 6+
  • now

The following projects showcase other websites built upon Sapper and Svelte. Don't hesitate to add your own!


The project is based on now-sapper-demo by @antony.

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