Whoever Svelte It - Harvard Art Museum Edition


Want to visit the Harvard Art Museum, but don't have time? Well this app has you somewhat covered! Whoever Svelte It is a simple app that consumes the Harvard Art Museum API and displays various articfacts from several centuries. This project was treated as an interview take home challenge, so I allotted myself roughly 48 hours to complete it.


This app is deployed using Now: https://whoever-svelte-it.now.sh/

Get started

Clone down this repo, then run:

npm install

To see the app in action, run:

npm run dev

Navigate to localhost:5000. You should see the app running.


As mentioned before, I gave myself a short time limit to complete this app. I had not used or seen anything written in Svelte before this project, so learning this new framework was the first hurdle. In terms of consuming the API, there wasn't specific instructions on which pieces of data to use, so deciding what and how to use from the API was a bit of a challenge, as the API has a lot of information available to use.


Playing in to the challenge of a new framework, completing a project with it is a huge win. Realizing that learning something new quickly is very possible also feel great. It seems most of the JavaScript frameworks and libraries all have similar styles, so it's far less daunting to take on a new one.

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