web3-repl-deploy Svelte Themes

Web3 Repl Deploy

Buildable, deployable components - SVELTE REPL + MDSVEX + IPFS/Arweave

Supersized Svelte REPL

The svelte REPL is really cool, and the MDSVEX repl is really cool, and saving mini apps to web3 is really cool, but there is nowhere online where you can do all this stuff in one place -- until now!

Let's make it easier to make and deploy web3 components, mini-apps, and sites to IPFS and Arweave.

Save/Ship/Deploy to:



  • Load modules from npm
  • Load from awesome-peerpiper templates / community

Changelog Summary from the standard Svelte REPL:

Latest Fork Changelog

  • added mdsvex
  • added .svx extension for MDSVex files
  • added ayu-dark css theme
  • build the workers as es modules (vite default is iife)
  • tweaked the file extension types
  • emit 'compiled' event from src/lib/index.svelte with compiled/bundled code for consumption by another component
  • also emit components from <Repl on:compiled={(e)=> ({compiled, components} = e.detail)} />
  • added github format markdown (gfm) for .svx and css file for codemirror

Dev Notes

Using the Svelte REPL as a component is a bit tricky, since it has a dependency on svelte-sites workspace. So I forked, clone, and locally edited to work around this issue and bundled it into this package.

To reproduce this yourself, you should clone this fork, npm run package, then npm run build locally too.

Build Svelte-sites/Repl

To edit the Repl code, clone then open (svelte-sites) locally, edit, then run:

// svelte-sites/packages/repl/
npm run package

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