Graph Prime Calculator

Graph Prime Calculator is a cross-platform prime number calculator developed on Tauri to simultaneously allow beautiful graphs, excellent performance, and code-sharing between platforms. The frontend "framework" of choice is Svelte for simplicity's sake.

The web view displays the beautiful SVG graphs generated by frappe and dygraphs while the whole calculation runs on the excellent-performing rust backend. The application is currently available for all desktop platforms and will be available for the web and mobile as soon as Tauri enables those options.

Get started


Download the latest build through GitHub releases here: Updates are fetched automatically by the program.


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Get started

Read the Tauri documentation to check how to run the project


To start developing, run:


and then you can start the Tauri dev server:

yarn run tauri dev

You need to have Rust and NodeJS ready to run on your system before doing this

The Yarn version being used is berry. If you don't have Yarn v3 in your system you can enable it with:

corepack enable
yarn set version stable


Before creating a new release update the semver versions on the package.json, cargo.toml, tauri.conf.json, run a build and run yarn install as that will update both package manager lockfiles. Deployment of new versions is done by creating a new semver versioned tag and pushing it to GitHub, this will automatically trigger the Tauri Action CI to start a new build and create a new release. It's important that the build environment contains the updater private key or else the build will fail.

After the release has been published with the appropiate change notes, build artifacts and update signatures the final step is to update the GitHub Gist with the current version information at as that is where the updater looks at to see what is the latest version of the software.


This project is licensed under the GNU GPL v3 free software license. Read the LICENSE file for more information.

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