A web application for managing and sharing recipes built with SvelteKit, Supabase, and Zod.
Make sure you have Node.js (v16 or later) installed. If you donβt have it, download it from nodejs.org.
git clone https://github.com/DonisPan/VAII-Recipe_Management_System_Website_SVELTE.git
cd VAII-Recipe_Management_System_Website_SVELTE
Run the following command to install all required dependencies:
npm install
Create a .env.local file in the root directory and configure it as follows: Run the following command to install all required dependencies:
PUBLIC_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY=your_supabase_anon_key # Keep this secret!
Setup supabase like this and for testing you can disable RLS policies.
Make sure to replace the placeholders with actual values from your Supabase project.
These are required for development:
npm install -D @sveltejs/adapter-auto @sveltejs/kit @sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte @tsconfig/svelte svelte svelte-check sveltekit-superforms typescript vite zod
These are needed for the application to function:
npm install @supabase/auth-helpers-sveltekit @supabase/auth-ui-shared @supabase/auth-ui-svelte @supabase/ssr @supabase/supabase-js bootstrap superforms
Run the development server with hot-reloading:
npm run dev
Happy Cooking! π²π₯