sveltekit_supabase_email_password_auth Svelte Themes


Sveltekit username password auth implementation

Supabase Email and Password Server-side login with SvelteKit

Getting started

Install the dependencies for this project by running the following command from this repository root directory in your terminal

pnpm install

Project setup

  1. Create a project on the Supabase dashboard
  2. Get the URL and anon key from your Settings > API section
  3. Copy the .env.example file in this project and create a new .env file from it
  4. Replace PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL with the URL from step 2 and PUBLIC_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY with anon key from step 2
  5. Copy the SQL below and paste it inside of the SQL Editor section
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "public"."test";

-- Table Definition
CREATE TABLE "public"."test" (
    "id" int8 NOT NULL,
    "created_at" timestamptz DEFAULT now(),
    PRIMARY KEY ("id")
  1. Build the package that this example relies on using the following command
pnpm build:sveltekit
  1. Run the following command from the repository root
pnpm dev --filter=@example/sveltekit-email-password -- --open

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