TeleCAM Svelte Themes


A Telegram clone built with ASP.NET Core and Svelte 5.

TeleCAM - Real-time Messaging Application

A project developed for the Web, Mobile and Cloud Applications course at University of Camerino

TeleCAM is a web-based real-time messaging application, featuring a .NET backend API and a Svelte frontend. This project provides secure user authentication, real-time chat capabilities, contact management, and more.

Project Overview

TeleCAM consists of three main components:

  • API: A .NET 8 backend providing REST endpoints and SignalR real-time communication
  • Client: A Svelte 5 frontend with a responsive user interface
  • Domain: Shared domain logic and entity definitions

Technology Stack


  • .NET 8.0
  • Entity Framework Core with PostgreSQL
  • ASP.NET Core SignalR for real-time communication
  • JWT-based authentication system
  • Swagger documentation with SignalR support


  • Svelte 5
  • TailwindCSS for styling (with typography and form plugins)
  • SignalR client for real-time communication
  • LucideSvelte icons for UI elements


  • User authentication (register, login, token refresh)
  • Real-time messaging with SignalR
  • Contact management
  • Message history
  • REST API endpoints for CRUD operations
  • Responsive UI

Running the Project

Simply run ./ start in a bash terminal at the root of the project. This script will start the API, the PostreSQL container, and client applications concurrently. The API will be available at https://localhost:5001 and the client at http://localhost:5000.

Be sure to have Docker installed on your machine.

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