SvelteKit AWS Adapter for Pulumi

This project contains a SvelteKit adapter to deploy SvelteKit to AWS using Pulumi.

How to use?


  1. Ensure that the Pulumi CLI is installed.
  2. Create a SvelteKit project "my-app" - npm create svelte@latest my-app
  3. cd my-app
  4. npm install
  5. npm install -D sveltekit-adapter-aws-pulumi
  6. Edit svelte.config.js (see below)
  7. Set the following environment variables:


  1. npm run build


  1. npx adapter-stack-destroy

Basic setup example


import { adapter } from 'sveltekit-adapter-aws-pulumi'
import { vitePreprocess } from '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte'

/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const config = {
  // Consult
  // for more information about preprocessors
  preprocess: vitePreprocess(),

  kit: {
    // adapter-auto only supports some environments, see for a list.
    // If your environment is not supported, or you settled on a specific environment, switch out the adapter.
    // See for more information about adapters.
    adapter: adapter({
      autoDeploy: true,

export default config


The following diagram shows the architecture deployed by this package. The key features are as follows:

  1. A CloudFront CDN
  2. An S3 bucket to serve prerendered and static content (secured using OAC)
  3. Two lambda functions with URL access (secured with AWS_IAM authentication):
    1. A lambda that serves the SSR code
    2. A lambda for OPTIONS requests used to manage preflight CORS
  4. A lambda@edge router that will:
    1. Serve static content from the S3 bucket as the cloudfront default origin
    2. Rewrite the cloudfront origin for requests which require SSR or use the OPTIONS method and sign them.


export interface AWSAdapterProps {
  artifactPath?: string // Build output directory (default: build)
  autoDeploy?: boolean // Should automatically deploy in SvelteKit build step (default: false)
  cachePolicy?: string // Cloudfront managed cache policy (default: 'CachingOptimized')
  defaultHeaders?: string[] // Default whitelist of headers for the SSR server. (default: ['Accept','Accept-Language','If-None-Match','Host','Origin','Referer','X-Forwarded-Host'])
  esbuildOptions?: any // Override or extend default esbuild options for the SSR server. Supports `external` (default `['node:*']`), `format` (default `cjs`), `target` (default `node18`), `banner` (default `{}`).
  extraHeaders?: string[] // Additional headers to add to whitelist. (default: [])
  FQDN?: string // Full qualified domain name of CloudFront deployment (e.g.
  memorySize?: number // Memory size of SSR lambda in MB (default: 128)
  region?: string // Region to deploy resources (default: us-east-2)
  serverStreaming?: boolean // Use lambda streaming responses for SSR server (default: false)
  stackName?: string // Pulumi stack name (default: dev)

Server Environment Variables

Variables can be included in the environment of the SSR server by defining them in a .env file. For example:


Values can be added to the .env file or defined as environment variables. If environment variables are defined they will overwrite the values in the .env file.

See $env/static/private in the SvelteKit documentation for further details.

Destroy Command

A script is provided to destroy the infrastructure, with the following signature:

adapter-stack-destroy [artifactPath]

Destroy the SvelteKit adapter's Pulumi stacks

  artifactPath  directory containing the build artifacts. Defaults to 'build'

      --version           Show version number                          [boolean]
  -s                      stack name                                    [string]
      --default-projects  use the built-in Pulumi projects             [boolean]
  -f, --force             cancel ongoing stack updates                 [boolean]
  -h, --help              Show help                                    [boolean]

When running locally, adapter-stack-destroy can be called with no arguments and it will remove the Pulumi stacks based on a config file in the build directory. If an alternative artifact path was used, pass this value to the script.

When running in a stateless environment, such as CI, passing the option -s with a stack name and --default-projects will delete the given stack based on the projects defined within the package.


This package utilises the SvelteKit AWS Adapter Base Package to prepare the files to be deployed. The project is seeking collaborators to develop alternative IAC solutions. Please open an issue in the project if you are interested in collaborating.


This package is derived from Mike Bild's adapter for CDK and inspired by James Bray's adapter for Serverless Framework.

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