A powerful state management library for Svelte applications that combines Redux-like patterns with Svelte's reactivity system.
This library is compatible with svelte 5 only
⚠️ Warning
- This library is currently in beta stage
- Documentation is still under development
- Some features may contain bugs
- Please report any issues on GitHub repository
- We welcome and encourage community contributions!
Sedux is a state management solution that brings Redux-like patterns to Svelte while leveraging Svelte's built-in reactivity system. It provides:
# Using npm
npm install @sedux/svelte
# Using yarn
yarn add @sedux/svelte
# Using pnpm
pnpm add @sedux/svelte
Here's a basic counter example to get you started:
<script lang="ts">
import { Sedux, createSlicer, dispatch, select } from '@sedux/svelte';
// 1. Create a slice of state
const [counterSlice, counterActions] = createSlicer({
name: 'counter',
initialState: { count: 0 },
reducers: {
increment: (state, action) => ({ value: state.value + 1 }),
addAmount: (state ,action: ActionWithPayload<number>) => ({
value: state.value + action.payload
function handleIncrement() {
function handleAddAmount(amount: number) {
<!-- 4. Wrap your app with Sedux -->
<p>Current count: {counterSlice.value.count}</p>
<button onclick={handleIncrement}>
<button onclick={() => handleAddAmount(5)}>
Add 5
### Initialization
// 1. Import Sedux
import { Sedux } from '@sedux/svelte';
// 2. Wrap your app
<App />
Sedux provides several ways to manage your application state:
import { storex, select } from "@sedux/svelte";
// Create a store
const store = storex({ count: 0 });
// Create a derived store
const count = $derived(store.value, (state) => state.count);
// use in component
count; // Reactive value
import { createSlicer } from "@sedux/svelte";
interface CounterState {
value: number;
lastUpdated: Date;
const counterSlice = createSlicer({
name: "counter",
initialState: {
value: 0,
lastUpdated: new Date(),
} as CounterState,
reducers: {
increment: (state, action) => ({
value: state.value + 1,
lastUpdated: new Date(),
Actions are payloads of information that send data to your store:
// Action Types
interface Action {
type: string | symbol;
name?: string;
interface ActionWithPayload<T> extends Action {
payload: T;
// Dispatching Actions
dispatch({ type: "increment" }, "counter");
type: "addAmount",
payload: 5,
// Timed Actions
timedDispatch({ type: "increment" }, 5, "counter"); // After 5 minutes
Interceptors provide a way to handle side effects and transform actions:
import { createSmartInterceptor, addInterceptor } from "@sedux/svelte";
// Create an interceptor
const loggingInterceptor = createSmartInterceptor(async (payload, api) => {
console.log("Before action:", payload);
const result = await api.dispatch(payload);
console.log("After action:", result);
return result;
// Add pre-action interceptor
addInterceptor("ACTION_TYPE", loggingInterceptor, "pre");
// Add post-action interceptor
addInterceptor("ACTION_TYPE", loggingInterceptor, "post");
// Error handling
loggingInterceptor.rejected = (error, api) => {
console.error("Action failed:", error);
Listeners allow you to react to actions:
import { addListener, addOnceListener } from "@sedux/svelte";
// Persistent listener
const { destroy } = addListener("increment", (action) => {
console.log("Counter incremented");
// One-time listener
addOnceListener(["increment", "decrement"], (action) => {
console.log("Counter changed once");
// Cleanup
destroy(); // Remove listener when needed
const [userSlice] = await createSlicerAsync({
name: "users",
initialState: {
data: [],
loading: false,
error: null,
reducers: {
setLoading: (action, state) => ({ ...state, loading: true }),
setData: (action: ActionWithPayload<user[]>, state) => ({
data: action.payload,
loading: false,
setError: (action: ActionWithPayload<Error>, state) => ({
error: action.payload,
loading: false,
// Using async thunks
const fetchusers = createAsyncThunk(
async () => {
const response = await fetch("/api/users");
return response.json();
(response) => response.data // Optional result transformer
// Usage
const usersThunk = fetchusers("users");
await usersThunk();
Sedux offers flexible persistence options:
// Local Storage persistence
const persistedSlice = createSlicer({
name: "persisted",
initialState: { value: 0 },
reducers: {
persist: localStorageAdapter, // or 'IndexedDBAdapter'
// Custom Storage
const customSlice = createSlicerAsync({
name: "custom",
initialState: { value: 0 },
reducers: {
persist: {}, //imeplement the StorageAdapter interface
Redux DevTools integration is automatic when you wrap your app with Sedux
import { Sedux } from '@sedux/svelte';
<App />
Features available in DevTools:
The toolkit provides a powerful RTK Query-like API integration:
import { createApi, baseQuery } from "@sedux/svelte";
const api = createApi({
baseQuery: baseQuery("https://api.example.com"),
endpoints: () => ({
getPosts: {
query: () => ({
url: "/posts",
method: "GET",
transformResponse: (response) => response.data,
cache: {
ttl: 5000,
key: "posts",
autoRefresh: true,
getPost: {
query: (id: string) => ({
url: `/post/${id}`,
method: "GET",
transformResponse: (response) => response.data,
cache: {
ttl: () => 5000,
key: ([id]) => `post-${id}`,
autoRefresh: true,
reducerPath: "api",
// Regular usage in components
const [fetchPosts, posts] = api.useGetPostsQuery();
// Using unwrap for direct API calls
const makeRequest = api.useGetPostsQuery.unwrap();
// Basic unwrap usage
const result = await makeRequest();
// Returns: { data: T | null, error: any | null, status: "idle" | "loading" | "completed" | "failed" }
// With custom fetch implementation
const customFetch = api.useGetPostsQuery.unwrap(myCustomFetch);
const result = await customFetch();
// Handling results
const { data, error, status } = await makeRequest();
if (status === "completed") {
// Handle success
} else if (status === "failed") {
// Handle error
The unwrap
functionality allows you to make API calls without store integration:
interface UnwrappedResult<T> {
data: T | null;
error: any | null;
status: "idle" | "loading" | "completed" | "failed";
// Each endpoint query hook provides an unwrap method
const { useGetPostsQuery } = api;
// Get the unwrapped function
const makeRequest = useGetPostsQuery.unwrap();
// Usage with parameters
const result = await makeRequest({ id: 1 });
// With custom fetch implementation
const customRequest = useGetPostsQuery.unwrap((url, options) => {
return customFetch(url, {
headers: {
Authorization: "Bearer token",
// Error handling
try {
const { data, error, status } = await makeRequest();
if (status === "completed") {
return data;
throw new Error(error);
} catch (e) {
// Handle error
Key features of unwrap:
+page.server.ts/+page.ts ```typescript export const load({fetch}) { const getData = useGetData.unwrap(fetch);
const result = await getData();
if (result.status === 'failed') { error(result.error.message) }
return { result }
- +page.svelte
<script lang='ts'>
const {data} = $props();
const [getData, getState] = useGetData(data.result);
Now getState is hydrated with the serverside data and you can use all of the features of the library
Sedux provides sophisticated cache management:
const api = createApi({
endpoints: () => ({
getPosts: {
query: () => ({ url: "/posts" }),
// Cache configuration
cache: {
ttl: 5000, // Time to live in ms
key: "posts", // Cache key
autoRefresh: true, // Auto refresh on expiry
// Cache invalidation
tag: "Posts",
invalidateTags: ["Comments"],
addPost: {
query: (post) => ({
url: "/posts",
method: "POST",
body: post,
// Invalidate cache after mutation
invalidateTags: ["Posts"],
The toolkit provides enhanced slice creation with additional features:
import { createSlice } from "@sedux/svelte";
const [counterSlice, actions, store] = createSlice({
name: "counter",
initialState: { value: 0 },
reducers: {
increment: (action, state) => ({ value: state.value + 1 }),
addAmount: (action: ActionWithPayload<number>, state) => ({
value: state.value + action.payload,
// Optional async thunks
thunks: [
createAsyncThunk("counter/fetch", async () => {
const response = await fetch("/api/counter");
return response.json();
// Extra reducers for handling async actions
extraReducers: {
"counter/fetch/fulfilled": (action, state) => ({
value: action.payload,
persisted: true,
// Accessing actions
Sedux provides built-in support for syncing state with URL search parameters, allowing you to:
const [slice, actions, store] = createSlice({
name: 'filters',
initialState: {
modal: {
opened: false
search: '',
filters: {
category: 'all',
price: { min: 0, max: 100 }
reducers: {
setModal: (action: ActionWithPayload<boolean>, state) => ({
modal: { opened: action.payload }
setSearch: (action: ActionWithPayload<string>, state) => ({
search: action.payload
searchParams: {
enabled: true,
// Specify which paths to include in URL
include: ['modal.opened', 'search', 'filters'],
// Exclude specific nested paths
exclude: ['filters.price'],
// Control when values should be added to URL
shouldAppend: (value, path) => {
if (path === 'search') return value.length > 0;
return true;
// Custom value parsing (optional)
parseValue: (value, path) => {
if (path === 'modal.opened') return value === 'true';
return JSON.parse(value);
// Navigation function (required for SvelteKit)
goto: (url) => goto(url)
import { createApi, baseQuery } from "./toolkit";
import { createSlice } from "./toolkit";
import { createAsyncThunk } from "./toolkit";
These exports provide enhanced functionality similar to Redux Toolkit:
: RTK Query-like data fetchingcreateSlice
: Enhanced slice creation with simplified syntaxcreateAsyncThunk
: Async action creator utilitiesgraph TD
A[Action Dispatched] --> B[Action Queue]
B --> C{Pre-Interceptors}
C --> D[Reducers]
D --> E{Post-Interceptors}
E --> F[Store Updated]
F --> G[Listeners Notified]
F --> H[UI Updated]
F --> I[Cache Updated]
F --> J[Persistence Layer]
K[API Call] --> L{Cache Check}
L -->|Cache Hit| M[Return Cached Data]
L -->|Cache Miss| N[Make Request]
N --> O[Transform Response]
O --> P[Update Store]
P --> Q[Update Cache]
import { storex, select, dynamicSelect } from "@sedux/svelte";
// Create a store
const store = storex<State>(initialState);
// Create a derived
const value = $derived(store.value, (state) => state);
import { dispatch, timedDispatch } from "@sedux/svelte";
// Immediate dispatch
await dispatch(
type: "actionType",
payload: data,
// Delayed dispatch (in minutes)
type: "actionType",
payload: data,
import { addListener, addOnceListener } from "@sedux/svelte";
// Add persistent listener
const { destroy } = addListener("actionType", (action) => {
// Handle action
// Add one-time listener
addOnceListener(["actionType1", "actionType2"], (action) => {
// Handle action once
import { createSmartInterceptor, addInterceptor } from "@sedux/svelte";
const interceptor = createSmartInterceptor(async (payload, api) => {
// Handle action
addInterceptor("actionType", interceptor, "pre");
import { createSlicer, createSlicerAsync, createSlicerToolkit } from "@sedux/svelte";
// Synchronous slice
const slice = createSlicer({
name: "slice",
reducers: {
// Async slice
const asyncSlice = await createSlicerAsync({
name: "async",
reducers: {
// Toolkit slice
const toolkitSlice = createSlicerToolkit({
name: "toolkit",
reducers: {
// Action Types
interface Action {
type: symbol | string;
name?: string;
_id?: string;
interface ActionWithPayload<T> extends Action {
payload: T;
// Store Types
interface Storex<T> extends Writable<T> {
reset: () => void;
resetAllSubscribers: () => void;
unsubscribeById: (id: string) => void;
get: () => T;
// Interceptor Types
interface InterceptorApi {
getState: (name?: string) => any;
dispatch: <A>(action: GeneralAction<A>) => void;
dispatchGlobal: <A>(action: GeneralAction<A>, name: string) => void;
// Listener Types
interface ListenerDestroyable {
listener: Listener;
destroy: () => void;
//StorageAdapter interface
interface StorageAdapter {
read: (name: string) => MaybePromise<any>;
write: (name: string, value: any) => MaybePromise<void>;
remove: (name: string) => MaybePromise<void>;
clear: () => MaybePromise<void>;
getKeys: () => MaybePromise<string[]>;
hasKey: (name: string) => MaybePromise<boolean>;
const api = createApi({
endpoints: (builder) => ({
getPosts: {
query: () => ({ url: '/posts' }),
// Custom error transformation
transformError: (error) => ({
message: error.message,
code: error.status
// Error handling hook
onError: (error, api) => {
// Handle error
const interceptor = createSmartInterceptor(async (payload, api) => {
// Your logic
// Error handling
interceptor.rejected = (error, api) => {
// Handle error
Sedux provides full type inference for:
// Example with full type safety
interface State {
value: number;
const slice = createSlicer<State>({
name: "typed",
initialState: { value: 0 },
reducers: {
increment: (action, state): State => ({
value: state.value + 1,
<script lang="ts">
import { Sedux, createSlice, dispatch, select } from '@sedux/svelte';
const [counterSlice] = createSlice({
name: 'counter',
initialState: { value: 0 },
reducers: {
increment: (action, state) => ({ value: state.value + 1 }),
decrement: (action, state) => ({ value: state.value - 1 }),
addAmount: (action: ActionWithPayload<number>, state) => ({
value: state.value + action.payload
const count = $derived(counterSlice.value, state => state.value);
<h1>Count: {count}</h1>
<button onclick={() => dispatch({ type: 'increment' }, 'counter')}>
<button onclick={() => dispatch({ type: 'decrement' }, 'counter')}>
// api.ts
import { createApi, baseQuery } from "@sedux/svelte";
interface Todo {
id: number;
title: string;
completed: boolean;
export const api = createApi({
baseQuery: baseQuery("https://api.example.com"),
endpoints: () => ({
getTodos: {
query: () => ({
url: "/todos",
method: "GET",
cache: {
ttl: 5000,
key: "todos",
addTodo: {
query: (todo: Omit<Todo, "id">) => ({
url: "/todos",
method: "POST",
body: todo,
invalidateTags: ["Todos"],
toggleTodo: {
query: ({ id, completed }: Pick<Todo, "id" | "completed">) => ({
url: `/todos/${id}`,
method: "PATCH",
body: { completed },
onOptimisticUpdate: (currentData, newData) => ({
todos: currentData.todos.map((todo) =>
todo.id === newData.id
? { ...todo, completed: newData.completed }
: todo
<!-- TodoList.svelte -->
<script lang="ts">
import { api } from './api';
const [fetchTodos, todos] = api.useGetTodosQuery();
const [addTodo] = api.useAddTodoQuery();
const [toggleTodo] = api.useToggleTodoQuery();
let newTodoTitle = '';
async function handleSubmit() {
if (!newTodoTitle.trim()) return;
await addTodo({
title: newTodoTitle,
completed: false
newTodoTitle = '';
<form onsubmit={handleSubmit}>
placeholder="What needs to be done?"
<button type="submit">Add Todo</button>
{#if todos.status === 'loading'}
{:else if todos.error}
<p>Error: {todos.error}</p>
{#each todos.data as todo}
onchange={() => toggleTodo({
id: todo.id,
completed: !todo.completed
<span class:completed={todo.completed}>
.completed {
text-decoration: line-through;
opacity: 0.6;
// authSlice.ts
import { createSlice } from "@sedux/svelte";
interface AuthState {
user: user | null;
token: string | null;
loading: boolean;
error: string | null;
const [authSlice, actions] = createSlice({
name: "auth",
initialState: {
user: null,
token: null,
loading: false,
error: null,
} as AuthState,
reducers: {
setuser: (action: ActionWithPayload<user>, state) => ({
user: action.payload,
error: null,
setToken: (action: ActionWithPayload<string>, state) => ({
token: action.payload,
setError: (action: ActionWithPayload<string>, state) => ({
error: action.payload,
loading: false,
logout: () => ({
user: null,
token: null,
loading: false,
error: null,
persist: true, // Persist auth state
<!-- Login.svelte -->
<script lang="ts">
import { authSlice, actions } from './authSlice';
import { api } from './api';
const [login] = api.useLoginQuery();
let email = '';
let password = '';
async function handleSubmit() {
try {
const result = await login({ email, password });
if (result.data) {
} catch (error) {
<form onsubmit={handleSubmit}>
<button type="submit">Login</button>
Sedux provides a powerful WebSocket integration with features like:
import { createWebSocketApi } from '@sedux/svelte';
const useWebSocket = createWebSocketApi({
reducerPath: 'websocket',
config: {
url: 'ws://your-websocket-server.com',
protocols: ['v1'],
reconnect: {
strategy: 'exponential', // 'linear' | 'exponential' | 'fibonacci' | 'none'
attempts: 5,
initialInterval: 1000,
maxInterval: 30000
channels: {
chat: {
matcher: (message) => message.type === 'chat',
transformMessage: (message) => ({
id: message.id,
text: message.text,
timestamp: new Date(message.timestamp)
handleUpdate: (state, message) => [...state, message],
initialState: []
presence: {
matcher: (message) => message.type === 'presence',
transformMessage: (message) => ({
userId: message.userId,
status: message.status
handleUpdate: (state, message) => ({
[message.userId]: message.status
initialState: {}
persist: 'websocket-state'
// Usage in component
const ws = useWebSocket();
const chatChannel = ws.getChannel('chat');
const presenceChannel = ws.getChannel('presence');
// Connect to WebSocket
// Send message
ws.send({ type: 'chat', text: 'Hello!' });
// Subscribe to channel
const unsubscribe = ws.subscribe('chat', (message) => {
console.log('New chat message:', message);
// Access channel state
chatChannel.messages // Array of messages
chatChannel.lastMessage // Most recent message