sedux Svelte Themes


A powerful state management library for Svelte applications that combines Redux-like patterns with Svelte's reactivity system.


A powerful state management library for Svelte applications that combines Redux-like patterns with Svelte's reactivity system.

This library is compatible with svelte 5 only

⚠️ Warning

  • This library is currently in beta stage
  • Documentation is still under development
  • Some features may contain bugs
  • Please report any issues on GitHub repository
  • We welcome and encourage community contributions!

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Installation
  3. Quick Start
  4. Core Concepts
  5. Advanced Features
  6. Toolkit
  7. Data Flow
  8. API Reference
  9. TypeScript Support
  10. Examples
  11. Contributing
  12. License
  13. Error Handling
  14. Best Practices


Sedux is a state management solution that brings Redux-like patterns to Svelte while leveraging Svelte's built-in reactivity system. It provides:

  • 🔄 Redux-like state management with Svelte's reactivity
  • ⚡ Seamless Svelte store integration
  • 📦 Predictable action dispatching and handling
  • 🔌 Powerful middleware/interceptor system
  • ⏳ First-class async state management
  • 🛠️ Built-in Redux DevTools support
  • 💾 Flexible persistence options
  • 📝 Full TypeScript support


# Using npm
npm install @sedux/svelte

# Using yarn
yarn add @sedux/svelte

# Using pnpm
pnpm add @sedux/svelte

Quick Start

Here's a basic counter example to get you started:

<script lang="ts">
import { Sedux, createSlicer, dispatch, select } from '@sedux/svelte';

// 1. Create a slice of state
const [counterSlice, counterActions] = createSlicer({
  name: 'counter',
  initialState: { count: 0 },
  reducers: {
    increment: (state, action) => ({ value: state.value + 1 }),
    addAmount: (state ,action: ActionWithPayload<number>) => ({
      value: state.value + action.payload

function handleIncrement() {

function handleAddAmount(amount: number) {

<!-- 4. Wrap your app with Sedux -->
    <p>Current count: {counterSlice.value.count}</p>
    <button onclick={handleIncrement}>
    <button onclick={() => handleAddAmount(5)}>
      Add 5

### Initialization

// 1. Import Sedux
import { Sedux } from '@sedux/svelte';

// 2. Wrap your app
  <App />

Core Concepts

Store Management

Sedux provides several ways to manage your application state:

Basic Store

import { storex, select } from "@sedux/svelte";

// Create a store
const store = storex({ count: 0 });

// Create a derived store
const count = $derived(store.value, (state) => state.count);

// use in component
count; // Reactive value

State Slices

import { createSlicer } from "@sedux/svelte";

interface CounterState {
    value: number;
    lastUpdated: Date;

const counterSlice = createSlicer({
    name: "counter",
    initialState: {
        value: 0,
        lastUpdated: new Date(),
    } as CounterState,
    reducers: {
        increment: (state, action) => ({
            value: state.value + 1,
            lastUpdated: new Date(),

Actions and Reducers

Actions are payloads of information that send data to your store:

// Action Types
interface Action {
    type: string | symbol;
    name?: string;

interface ActionWithPayload<T> extends Action {
    payload: T;

// Dispatching Actions
dispatch({ type: "increment" }, "counter");
        type: "addAmount",
        payload: 5,

// Timed Actions
timedDispatch({ type: "increment" }, 5, "counter"); // After 5 minutes


Interceptors provide a way to handle side effects and transform actions:

import { createSmartInterceptor, addInterceptor } from "@sedux/svelte";

// Create an interceptor
const loggingInterceptor = createSmartInterceptor(async (payload, api) => {
    console.log("Before action:", payload);
    const result = await api.dispatch(payload);
    console.log("After action:", result);
    return result;

// Add pre-action interceptor
addInterceptor("ACTION_TYPE", loggingInterceptor, "pre");

// Add post-action interceptor
addInterceptor("ACTION_TYPE", loggingInterceptor, "post");

// Error handling
loggingInterceptor.rejected = (error, api) => {
    console.error("Action failed:", error);


Listeners allow you to react to actions:

import { addListener, addOnceListener } from "@sedux/svelte";

// Persistent listener
const { destroy } = addListener("increment", (action) => {
    console.log("Counter incremented");

// One-time listener
addOnceListener(["increment", "decrement"], (action) => {
    console.log("Counter changed once");

// Cleanup
destroy(); // Remove listener when needed

Advanced Features

Async Operations

Async Slices

const [userSlice] = await createSlicerAsync({
    name: "users",
    initialState: {
        data: [],
        loading: false,
        error: null,
    reducers: {
        setLoading: (action, state) => ({ ...state, loading: true }),
        setData: (action: ActionWithPayload<user[]>, state) => ({
            data: action.payload,
            loading: false,
        setError: (action: ActionWithPayload<Error>, state) => ({
            error: action.payload,
            loading: false,

Async Actions

// Using async thunks
const fetchusers = createAsyncThunk(
    async () => {
        const response = await fetch("/api/users");
        return response.json();
    (response) => // Optional result transformer

// Usage
const usersThunk = fetchusers("users");
await usersThunk();


Sedux offers flexible persistence options:

// Local Storage persistence
const persistedSlice = createSlicer({
    name: "persisted",
    initialState: { value: 0 },
    reducers: {
    persist: localStorageAdapter, // or 'IndexedDBAdapter'

// Custom Storage
const customSlice = createSlicerAsync({
    name: "custom",
    initialState: { value: 0 },
    reducers: {
    persist: {}, //imeplement the StorageAdapter interface    


Redux DevTools integration is automatic when you wrap your app with Sedux:

import { Sedux } from '@sedux/svelte';

  <App />

Features available in DevTools:

  • Action logging with payloads
  • State timeline
  • Time-travel debugging
  • Action replay
  • State export/import


API Integration

The toolkit provides a powerful RTK Query-like API integration:

import { createApi, baseQuery } from "@sedux/svelte";

const api = createApi({
    baseQuery: baseQuery(""),
    endpoints: () => ({
        getPosts: {
            query: () => ({
                url: "/posts",
                method: "GET",
            transformResponse: (response) =>,
            cache: {
                ttl: 5000,
                key: "posts",
                autoRefresh: true,
        getPost: {
            query: (id: string) => ({
                url: `/post/${id}`,
                method: "GET",
            transformResponse: (response) =>,
            cache: {
                ttl: () => 5000,
                key: ([id]) => `post-${id}`,
                autoRefresh: true,
    reducerPath: "api",

// Regular usage in components
const [fetchPosts, posts] = api.useGetPostsQuery();

// Using unwrap for direct API calls
const makeRequest = api.useGetPostsQuery.unwrap();

// Basic unwrap usage
const result = await makeRequest();
// Returns: { data: T | null, error: any | null, status: "idle" | "loading" | "completed" | "failed" }

// With custom fetch implementation
const customFetch = api.useGetPostsQuery.unwrap(myCustomFetch);
const result = await customFetch();

// Handling results
const { data, error, status } = await makeRequest();
if (status === "completed") {
    // Handle success
} else if (status === "failed") {
    // Handle error

Unwrap API

The unwrap functionality allows you to make API calls without store integration:

interface UnwrappedResult<T> {
    data: T | null;
    error: any | null;
    status: "idle" | "loading" | "completed" | "failed";

// Each endpoint query hook provides an unwrap method
const { useGetPostsQuery } = api;

// Get the unwrapped function
const makeRequest = useGetPostsQuery.unwrap();

// Usage with parameters
const result = await makeRequest({ id: 1 });

// With custom fetch implementation
const customRequest = useGetPostsQuery.unwrap((url, options) => {
    return customFetch(url, {
        headers: {
            Authorization: "Bearer token",

// Error handling
try {
    const { data, error, status } = await makeRequest();
    if (status === "completed") {
        return data;
    throw new Error(error);
} catch (e) {
    // Handle error

Key features of unwrap:

  • Direct API calls without store subscription
  • Custom fetch implementation support
  • Full type safety for parameters and responses
  • Consistent error handling
  • Status tracking
  • Transforms and error handling still apply

SvelteKit Data loading integration

  • +page.server.ts/+page.ts ```typescript export const load({fetch}) { const getData = useGetData.unwrap(fetch);

    const result = await getData();

    if (result.status === 'failed') { error(result.error.message) }

    return { result }


- +page.svelte
<script lang='ts'>

const {data} = $props();
const [getData, getState] = useGetData(data.result);

Now getState is hydrated with the serverside data and you can use all of the features of the library

Cache Management

Sedux provides sophisticated cache management:

const api = createApi({
    endpoints: () => ({
        getPosts: {
            query: () => ({ url: "/posts" }),
            // Cache configuration
            cache: {
                ttl: 5000, // Time to live in ms
                key: "posts", // Cache key
                autoRefresh: true, // Auto refresh on expiry
            // Cache invalidation
            tag: "Posts",
            invalidateTags: ["Comments"],
        addPost: {
            query: (post) => ({
                url: "/posts",
                method: "POST",
                body: post,
            // Invalidate cache after mutation
            invalidateTags: ["Posts"],

Enhanced Slices

The toolkit provides enhanced slice creation with additional features:

import { createSlice } from "@sedux/svelte";

const [counterSlice, actions, store] = createSlice({
    name: "counter",
    initialState: { value: 0 },
    reducers: {
        increment: (action, state) => ({ value: state.value + 1 }),
        addAmount: (action: ActionWithPayload<number>, state) => ({
            value: state.value + action.payload,
    // Optional async thunks
    thunks: [
        createAsyncThunk("counter/fetch", async () => {
            const response = await fetch("/api/counter");
            return response.json();
    // Extra reducers for handling async actions
    extraReducers: {
        "counter/fetch/fulfilled": (action, state) => ({
            value: action.payload,
    persisted: true,

// Accessing actions

Search Parameters Integration

Sedux provides built-in support for syncing state with URL search parameters, allowing you to:

  • Persist specific state values in the URL
  • Control which fields are included/excluded
  • Handle complex data types with base64 encoding
  • Custom value parsing
const [slice, actions, store] = createSlice({
  name: 'filters',
  initialState: {
    modal: {
      opened: false
    search: '',
    filters: {
      category: 'all',
      price: { min: 0, max: 100 }
  reducers: {
    setModal: (action: ActionWithPayload<boolean>, state) => ({
      modal: { opened: action.payload }
    setSearch: (action: ActionWithPayload<string>, state) => ({
      search: action.payload
  searchParams: {
    enabled: true,
    // Specify which paths to include in URL
    include: ['modal.opened', 'search', 'filters'],
    // Exclude specific nested paths
    exclude: ['filters.price'],
    // Control when values should be added to URL
    shouldAppend: (value, path) => {
      if (path === 'search') return value.length > 0;
      return true;
    // Custom value parsing (optional)
    parseValue: (value, path) => {
      if (path === 'modal.opened') return value === 'true';
      return JSON.parse(value);
    // Navigation function (required for SvelteKit)
    goto: (url) => goto(url)

Toolkit Exports

import { createApi, baseQuery } from "./toolkit";
import { createSlice } from "./toolkit";
import { createAsyncThunk } from "./toolkit";

These exports provide enhanced functionality similar to Redux Toolkit:

  • createApi: RTK Query-like data fetching
  • createSlice: Enhanced slice creation with simplified syntax
  • createAsyncThunk: Async action creator utilities

Data Flow

graph TD
    A[Action Dispatched] --> B[Action Queue]
    B --> C{Pre-Interceptors}
    C --> D[Reducers]
    D --> E{Post-Interceptors}
    E --> F[Store Updated]
    F --> G[Listeners Notified]
    F --> H[UI Updated]
    F --> I[Cache Updated]
    F --> J[Persistence Layer]

    K[API Call] --> L{Cache Check}
    L -->|Cache Hit| M[Return Cached Data]
    L -->|Cache Miss| N[Make Request]
    N --> O[Transform Response]
    O --> P[Update Store]
    P --> Q[Update Cache]

API Reference

Core Exports

Store Functions

import { storex, select, dynamicSelect } from "@sedux/svelte";

// Create a store
const store = storex<State>(initialState);

// Create a derived
const value = $derived(store.value, (state) => state);

Action Dispatching

import { dispatch, timedDispatch } from "@sedux/svelte";

// Immediate dispatch
await dispatch(
        type: "actionType",
        payload: data,

// Delayed dispatch (in minutes)
        type: "actionType",
        payload: data,

Event System

import { addListener, addOnceListener } from "@sedux/svelte";

// Add persistent listener
const { destroy } = addListener("actionType", (action) => {
    // Handle action

// Add one-time listener
addOnceListener(["actionType1", "actionType2"], (action) => {
    // Handle action once


import { createSmartInterceptor, addInterceptor } from "@sedux/svelte";

const interceptor = createSmartInterceptor(async (payload, api) => {
    // Handle action

addInterceptor("actionType", interceptor, "pre");

State Slices

import { createSlicer, createSlicerAsync, createSlicerToolkit } from "@sedux/svelte";

// Synchronous slice
const slice = createSlicer({
    name: "slice",
    reducers: {

// Async slice
const asyncSlice = await createSlicerAsync({
    name: "async",
    reducers: {

// Toolkit slice
const toolkitSlice = createSlicerToolkit({
    name: "toolkit",
    reducers: {

Type Definitions

// Action Types
interface Action {
    type: symbol | string;
    name?: string;
    _id?: string;

interface ActionWithPayload<T> extends Action {
    payload: T;

// Store Types
interface Storex<T> extends Writable<T> {
    reset: () => void;
    resetAllSubscribers: () => void;
    unsubscribeById: (id: string) => void;
    get: () => T;

// Interceptor Types
interface InterceptorApi {
    getState: (name?: string) => any;
    dispatch: <A>(action: GeneralAction<A>) => void;
    dispatchGlobal: <A>(action: GeneralAction<A>, name: string) => void;

// Listener Types
interface ListenerDestroyable {
    listener: Listener;
    destroy: () => void;

//StorageAdapter interface
interface StorageAdapter {
    read: (name: string) => MaybePromise<any>;
    write: (name: string, value: any) => MaybePromise<void>;
    remove: (name: string) => MaybePromise<void>;
    clear: () => MaybePromise<void>;
    getKeys: () => MaybePromise<string[]>;
    hasKey: (name: string) => MaybePromise<boolean>;

Error Handling

API Errors

const api = createApi({
  endpoints: (builder) => ({
    getPosts: {
      query: () => ({ url: '/posts' }),
      // Custom error transformation
      transformError: (error) => ({
        message: error.message,
        code: error.status
      // Error handling hook
      onError: (error, api) => {
        // Handle error

Interceptor Errors

const interceptor = createSmartInterceptor(async (payload, api) => {
    // Your logic

// Error handling
interceptor.rejected = (error, api) => {
    // Handle error

Best Practices

State Organization

  • Keep state slices small and focused
  • use selectors for derived state
  • Normalize complex data structures


  • use memoized selectors for expensive computations
  • Implement proper cleanup in interceptors and listeners
  • Leverage the cache system for API calls


  • Define interfaces for your state
  • use strict action typing
  • Leverage generic constraints


  • Test reducers in isolation
  • Mock API calls in tests
  • Test interceptors independently

Type Inference

Sedux provides full type inference for:

  • Store state
  • Action payloads
  • Selectors
  • API responses
// Example with full type safety
interface State {
    value: number;

const slice = createSlicer<State>({
    name: "typed",
    initialState: { value: 0 },
    reducers: {
        increment: (action, state): State => ({
            value: state.value + 1,


Basic Counter

<script lang="ts">
import { Sedux, createSlice, dispatch, select } from '@sedux/svelte';

const [counterSlice] = createSlice({
    name: 'counter',
    initialState: { value: 0 },
    reducers: {
        increment: (action, state) => ({ value: state.value + 1 }),
        decrement: (action, state) => ({ value: state.value - 1 }),
        addAmount: (action: ActionWithPayload<number>, state) => ({
            value: state.value + action.payload

const count = $derived(counterSlice.value, state => state.value);

    <h1>Count: {count}</h1>
    <button onclick={() => dispatch({ type: 'increment' }, 'counter')}>
    <button onclick={() => dispatch({ type: 'decrement' }, 'counter')}>

Todo List with API Integration

// api.ts
import { createApi, baseQuery } from "@sedux/svelte";

interface Todo {
    id: number;
    title: string;
    completed: boolean;

export const api = createApi({
    baseQuery: baseQuery(""),
    endpoints: () => ({
        getTodos: {
            query: () => ({
                url: "/todos",
                method: "GET",
            cache: {
                ttl: 5000,
                key: "todos",
        addTodo: {
            query: (todo: Omit<Todo, "id">) => ({
                url: "/todos",
                method: "POST",
                body: todo,
            invalidateTags: ["Todos"],
        toggleTodo: {
            query: ({ id, completed }: Pick<Todo, "id" | "completed">) => ({
                url: `/todos/${id}`,
                method: "PATCH",
                body: { completed },
            onOptimisticUpdate: (currentData, newData) => ({
                todos: =>
                        ? { ...todo, completed: newData.completed }
                        : todo
<!-- TodoList.svelte -->
<script lang="ts">
import { api } from './api';

const [fetchTodos, todos] = api.useGetTodosQuery();
const [addTodo] = api.useAddTodoQuery();
const [toggleTodo] = api.useToggleTodoQuery();

let newTodoTitle = '';

async function handleSubmit() {
    if (!newTodoTitle.trim()) return;

    await addTodo({
        title: newTodoTitle,
        completed: false

    newTodoTitle = '';

    <form onsubmit={handleSubmit}>
            placeholder="What needs to be done?"
        <button type="submit">Add Todo</button>

    {#if todos.status === 'loading'}
    {:else if todos.error}
        <p>Error: {todos.error}</p>
            {#each as todo}
                        onchange={() => toggleTodo({
                            completed: !todo.completed
                    <span class:completed={todo.completed}>

    .completed {
        text-decoration: line-through;
        opacity: 0.6;

Authentication Example

// authSlice.ts
import { createSlice } from "@sedux/svelte";

interface AuthState {
    user: user | null;
    token: string | null;
    loading: boolean;
    error: string | null;

const [authSlice, actions] = createSlice({
    name: "auth",
    initialState: {
        user: null,
        token: null,
        loading: false,
        error: null,
    } as AuthState,
    reducers: {
        setuser: (action: ActionWithPayload<user>, state) => ({
            user: action.payload,
            error: null,
        setToken: (action: ActionWithPayload<string>, state) => ({
            token: action.payload,
        setError: (action: ActionWithPayload<string>, state) => ({
            error: action.payload,
            loading: false,
        logout: () => ({
            user: null,
            token: null,
            loading: false,
            error: null,
    persist: true, // Persist auth state
<!-- Login.svelte -->
<script lang="ts">
import { authSlice, actions } from './authSlice';
import { api } from './api';

const [login] = api.useLoginQuery();

let email = '';
let password = '';

async function handleSubmit() {
    try {
        const result = await login({ email, password });
        if ( {
    } catch (error) {

<form onsubmit={handleSubmit}>
    <button type="submit">Login</button>

WebSocket Integration

Sedux provides a powerful WebSocket integration with features like:

  • Channel-based message handling
  • Automatic reconnection strategies
  • Message transformation
  • State persistence
  • Type-safe message handling
import { createWebSocketApi } from '@sedux/svelte';

const useWebSocket = createWebSocketApi({
  reducerPath: 'websocket',
  config: {
    url: 'ws://',
    protocols: ['v1'],
    reconnect: {
      strategy: 'exponential', // 'linear' | 'exponential' | 'fibonacci' | 'none'
      attempts: 5,
      initialInterval: 1000,
      maxInterval: 30000
  channels: {
    chat: {
      matcher: (message) => message.type === 'chat',
      transformMessage: (message) => ({
        text: message.text,
        timestamp: new Date(message.timestamp)
      handleUpdate: (state, message) => [...state, message],
      initialState: []
    presence: {
      matcher: (message) => message.type === 'presence',
      transformMessage: (message) => ({
        userId: message.userId,
        status: message.status
      handleUpdate: (state, message) => ({
        [message.userId]: message.status
      initialState: {}
  persist: 'websocket-state'

// Usage in component
const ws = useWebSocket();
const chatChannel = ws.getChannel('chat');
const presenceChannel = ws.getChannel('presence');

// Connect to WebSocket

// Send message
ws.send({ type: 'chat', text: 'Hello!' });

// Subscribe to channel
const unsubscribe = ws.subscribe('chat', (message) => {
  console.log('New chat message:', message);

// Access channel state
chatChannel.messages    // Array of messages
chatChannel.lastMessage // Most recent message

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Loading Svelte Themes