Vocowl Svelte Themes


Vocowl allows you to search for local restaurants and choose one to eat at. It is implemented using Svelte and the HERE API.


The idea of Vocowl came about from a simple question, "How do I pick where to eat?" Built using Svelte and utilizing the Leaflet and the HERE API, Vocowl let's you select nearby restaurants and enter your own favorites, then picks one at random. By settling this question, Vocowl is perfect for people who are not vocal and indecisive about their food opinions and pays homage to the wisdom of owls. Currently, Vocowl is meant to be a US based service. In the future, support for other countries may be added.


Vocowl is hosted right here on GitHub. Visit https://dkambich.github.io/Vocowl/ to get searching.

Building the Project Locally


git clone https://github.com/DKambich/Vocowl.git
npm install

NOTE: Before running the project locally, you will need create and replace the HERE API key stored in credentials.ts. Restaurant search functionality will not work if this is not done.


npm run dev


npm run build

This will create the dist folder that contains the compiled Svelte app and resources

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