
Starter repository for the cybernetically enhanced web apps.
Works with Svelte v4.2.18 and NodeJS v21.5.0 (with npm@10.2.4) or Bun v1.1.4.
Prettier for code formatting, Vitest and Cypress for unit and end-to-end testing.
Rollup as module bundler. Playwright test are additional included.

Svelte Tutorial
Svelte Template
Svelte Society


This starter repository is only a simple example, the project template got adjusted!
No generator or guide how to use Svelte or how to organize your code.

Demo Page

Some basic components are defined and wrapped in a main component.

    - Animation
    - Button
    - Headline
    - List
        - ListItem
    - UserInput
    - Contenteditable
    - Table
    - RadioBoxes
    - ModalDialog/ModalForm
        - Modal
    - Profile
    - EventLog

The data which is used in the application is stored in data.js.
Profile is an example how to load data inside a component with fetch.

A store stores.js defines userActivity to reset a timer, this gets triggered from mousemove, click and keydown.
It's only an example to use a store and display the inactive time of a user and react on window events.


$ npm i

$ bun i


$ npm run svelte-check

$ bun run svelte-check

Format code

$ npm run format

$ bun run format

Run or build

$ npm run dev
$ npm run build

$ bun run dev
$ bun run build


Navigate to localhost:10001.


You can start the Cypress UI or run it headless on CLI and the development server needs to run.

$ npm run start:cypress
$ npm run test:cypress

$ bun run start:cypress
$ bun run test:cypress


$ npx playwright test


Star this repo if you found it useful. Use the github issue tracker to give feedback on this repo.

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