Use bun create to scaffold your app with the svelte package. Answer the prompts to select a template and set up your development environment.
# create a new project in my-app
bun create svelte@latest my-app
# Once the project is initialized, cd into the new project and install dependencies.
cd my-app
bun install
Then start the development server with bun --bun run dev
To run the dev server with Node.js instead of Bun, you can omit the --bun
bun --bun run dev
# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open
Visit http://localhost:5173
in a browser to see the template app.
To build for production, you'll need to add the right SvelteKit adapter. Currently we recommend the:
bun add -D svelte-adapter-bun
Now, make the following changes to your svelte.config.js
- import adapter from "@sveltejs/adapter-auto";
+ import adapter from "svelte-adapter-bun";
import { vitePreprocess } from "@sveltejs/kit/vite";
/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const config = {
kit: {
adapter: adapter(),
preprocess: vitePreprocess(),
export default config;
To build a production bundle with bun run build