This is a simple news website built with Svelte that fetches and displays news articles using the NewsAPI. The site allows users to filter news by categories like Science, Business, Technology, and Health.
|-- /public
| |-- /global.css # Global CSS file
|-- /src
| |-- /components
| | |-- Navbar.svelte # Navbar component with categories
| | |-- NewsList.svelte # Component to display list of news articles
| |-- /stores
| | |-- newsStore.js # Svelte store to manage state and API calls
| |-- App.svelte # Main application component
| |-- main.js # Entry point for the Svelte app
|-- .env # Environment variables file (ignored by Git)
|-- .gitignore # Git ignore file
|-- package.json # Project dependencies and scripts
|-- rollup.config.js # Rollup configuration file for building the project
|-- # This readme file
Clone The Repository git clone cd news-website
Install Dependencies npm install
Create a .env file VITE_NEWSAPI_KEY=your_api_key_here
Start the development Server npm run dev
Navigation: Use the navigation bar to filter news articles by categories such as Science, Business, Technology, and Health. Reading Articles: Click on a news headline to read the full article on the original news source.
Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions or improvements, feel free to create an issue or submit a pull request.
Steps to Contribute Fork the repository. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature-branch). Make your changes. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add new feature'). Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch). Create a new Pull Request.