svelte-sign-in-with-solana Svelte Themes

Svelte Sign In With Solana

SvelteKit Sign in With Solana

Example implementation of "Sign in With Solana" using SvelteKit.

How it Works

  1. User selects a wallet using @svelte-on-solana/wallet-adapter-ui.
  2. Upon wallet connection, hit endpoint /api/solana/message to get a time sensitive message.
  3. Use wallet adapter to sign time sensitive message.
  4. Send message signature and other details to /api/solana/message/verify.

From here, if the verification is successful, the backend could do something like prepare a JWT to send back to the user.


View Example UI


  • Have Node installed
  • npm install in the project directory.
  • Add a .env file to the root of this project and add a TOTP secret like ENV_TOTP_SECRET=12312312. Both endpoints use this value to create and verify the time sensitive code.
  • npm run dev to start the project locally.

Other Config

There are a couple non intuitive config things I had to do in order to polyfill Buffer. See vite.config.js and +layout.svelte for implementing a browser version of `Buffer.


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