svelte-readonly Svelte Themes

Svelte Readonly

Svelte Readonly

Not all writable stores should be writable outside their module. This enables that. It has no dependencies. It also has no tests, but that's ok. It's not that interesting.


Install, as expected, with npm install svelte-readonly.


import readonly from 'svelte-readonly';
// or
import {readonly} from 'svelte-readonly';

Readonly takes a writable store and returns a readable store. That's it.


This example lets you subscribe to user changes, but doesn't let you set it outside the logIn/logOut functions. This gets more handy the less you want to accidentally set something incorrectly outside a module. (Adding session timeouts, warnings, etc).

// session.js
import { writable } from 'svelte/store';
import readonly from 'svelte-readonly';

const writableUser = writable(null);

export const user = readonly(writableUser);

export async function logIn(username, password) {
    try {
        writableUser.set(await api.logIn(username, password));
    } catch (err) {
        // handle login error

export async function logOut() {

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