

A web application for job specific performance monitoring in HPC centers


The PHP Symfony based ClusterCockpit Webfrontend Implementation is deprecated and is replaced by cc-backend! Here are some thoughts on why we switched in case you care.


This is a web frontend for job specific performance monitoring. It is based on the Symfony 5 PHP Framework. It uses Bootstrap 5 for layout and styling, API Platform for REST APIs, OverblogGraphQLBundle for GraphQL APIs, and Svelte for the frontend UI.


To install and use ClusterCockpit the following dependencies have to be fulfilled:

  • PHP 8.0 or newer
  • MySQL or MariaDB
  • Composer - PHP package manager
  • Yarn - Node package manager
  • Symfony CLI - Symfony command line tool
  • Optional: Apache or Nginx web server
  • Optional: InfluxDB time series database (both V1 or V2 are supported)
  • Optional: Redis caching server

We strongly recommend to use this Docker compose setup for testing ClusterCockpit or for development. This docker setup also includes downloadable monitoring data.

Installation and Setup

Please refer to the Wiki for documentation.

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