svelte-devlink Svelte Themes

Svelte Devlink

A way to use Webflow's React components with DevLink in Svelte

A Webflow DevLink to Svelte example project.

If you prefer to watch a video, I recorded a Loom explaining the steps.

  1. In your Svelte project, open a terminal and install svelte-preprocess-react and Webflow CLI:
npm i --save-dev svelte-preprocessor-react
npm i @webflow/webflow-cli
  1. In your Webflow project, got to your components tab, click export components, then copy the .webflowrc but modify it like so:
// .webflowrc.cjs (change the extension)

module.exports = {
  host: "",
  rootDir: "./src/lib/devlink",
  siteId: "yoursiteid",
  authToken: process.env.WF_AUTH_TOKEN,
  cssModules: true,
  fileExtensions: {
    js: "jsx"

Remember to create a .env file for your API token

  1. Sync your components. If you are using this project as a template, you may want to delete my devlink folder first to get a fresh one.
    npx webflow devlink sync

You have your components in. But you can't use them yet.

  1. Go to your +layout.svelte file, add these imports: ```javascript // src/routes/+layout.svelte

import '$lib/devlink/global.css' import { DevLinkProvider } from '$lib/devlink';

and then wrap your app with the DevLinkProvider like this (this is necessary for the interactions)

    <slot />

Now you can start importing your devlink components by prepending them with "react:", but there is a catch. You don't get that sweet auto-complete for your props. If you don't mind, you can skip the rest, otherwise, here's how I solved that:

  1. Create a /components folder inside your /lib folder.

  2. Create a component, for example Card.svelte. Then import your component (mine was called SvelteCard) into that file, and hovering that import will show you the props. I used that information to copy the props, add them as props of this svelte component, then add them to the react component, like this: ```html

<react:SvelteCard {image} {title} {description} {link} />

7. Use that component anywhere. Now you can import it and use it like a regular Svelte component without worrying about forgetting the props.

<!-- src/routes/+page.svelte -->

<script lang="ts">
  import Card from '$lib/components/Card.svelte';
  import Section from '$lib/components/Section.svelte';

  export let data;

  <div class="grid">
    {#each data.products as post (}
        link={{ href: '/products/' + }}

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