Template: Rocket + Svelte SPA



Getting Started

  • Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/robertwayne/template-rocket-svelte-spa
  • Change .env.TEMPLATE to .env and set your Postgres credentials (if not using defaults).
  • Build the client with pnpm run build from inside the /client directory. Alternatively, you can use pnpm run dev to run the client with vite dev server.
  • Run the server with cargo run from inside the /server directory.
    • If you're serving from Rocket, visit
    • If you're serving from vite, visit

Client Notes

  • Async, lazy loading route wrappers.
  • Responsive navigation menu built-in.

Server Notes

  • Sets Cache Control headers for HTML, CSS, JS, WEBP, SVG, and WOFF2.
  • Sets CORS and CSP headers.
  • Includes a PostgreSQL fairing, which is disabled by default. Add this fairing in main.rs if you wish to use it.

GitHub Action Notes

  • Runs (client) tests, eslint, tsc, and prettier on PRs.
  • Runs dependabot weekly. You can manually run combine to squish all dependabot PRs into one PR.
  • Server tests/formatting are not run on PR (yet).

Misc Scripts

Command Action
./update.sh Updates the dependencies of both the client and server projects.

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