Thesis Svelte Themes


A visual essay for Perfect Laundry Day: Enhancing garment longevity with better laundry practices.

Perfect Laundry Day

This repository is part of a thesis / visual essay created by Chay Chayanit Thawaranont in support of a graduate school thesis for the Masters of Science in Data Visualization at Parsons School of Design, The New School.

The Data

The data used in this project was mainly collected from various existing academic research papers and official laundry care guides. These sources include the labeling rule from the Federal Trade Commission's "Complying with the Care Labeling Rule" guide, the Consumer Behaviour on Washing Report from Mistra Future Fashion, and the EPA Environmental Protection Agency's data on textiles in municipal solid waste (MSW) . Additionally, many other research papers were used and their direct links to the data can be found in the sources section below.


Here is a video of this website live in action

Design Process

My colors and inspirations for my style and design directions

Environment Variables

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To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables

Once you've created a project and installed dependencies with npm install (or pnpm install or yarn), start a development server:

npm run dev

# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open


Read more about the research methodologies and documentations on my research paper

This visual essay was built with Svelte, SvelteKit and D3 , deployed on Cloudflare. I also used the help of the Scroller.svelte library for scroll events, svelte-hamburgers, pancake.svelte for Stacked Bar Chart, LayerCake.svelte for dot plot chart, and Scroller UI for the database UI components.


  • Günter Jakobi. Detergents and Textile Washing: Principles and Practice. New York, NY, USA: VCH Publishers, 1987.

  • Cotton, Lucy, Adam S. Hayward, Neil J. Lant, and Richard S. Blackburn. “Improved Garment Longevity and Reduced Microfibre Release Are Important Sustainability Benefits of Laundering in Colder and Quicker Washing Machine Cycles.” Dyes and Pigments 177 (June 1, 2020): 108120.

  • Assessing the Impact of Wash Water Temperature, Detergent Type and Laundering Platform on Basic Clothing Attributes.” Accessed March 14, 2023.

  • Agarwal, Gaurav, Ludovic Koehl, and Anne Perwvelz. "Simultaneous Influence of Ageing and Softener on Mechanical Properties of Knitted Textiles during Life Cycle of Garment." International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology23, no. 2 (2011): 152-169. doi

  • Schmitz, Angelika and Rainer Stamminger. "Usage Behaviour and Related Energy Consumption of European Consumers for Washing and Drying." Energy Efficiency 7, no. 6 (12, 2014): 937-954.

  • “How to Take Care of Your Clothes - T Magazine Guides - The New York Times.”

Feel free to check out my code or reach out via twitter/email !


  • Richard The, for insightful feedback and topnotch design suggestions.
  • Alec Barrett, for helping me debugging the codes!
  • Aaron Hill, for guidance and feedback throughout my last semester.
  • All of my amazing classmates at MSDV Parsons!

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