dataverse-feed Svelte Themes

Dataverse Feed

Embed a feed of your Dataverse items (collections, datasets, files) in your webpage using the Dataverse search API. JavaScript module built with Svelte and Snowpack.

Dataverse Feed: (PROTOTYPE)

Embed a feed of your Dataverse items (collections, datasets, files) in your webpage using the Dataverse search API.

Dataverse Feed is a JavaScript module built with Svelte and Snowpack.


Create a simple customizable widget that can be seamlessly integrated to any website. This widget should adapt to the needs of the webpage feature-wise while respecting the design language.

Main features:

  • Seamless integration of Dataverse's search engine to a page
  • Displays or hides facets
  • Granular query support, to fectch - the latest uploaded datasets in a collection - any compound search, combining Dataverse collections, metadata values and boolean operators (dvName:cdsp AND title:COVID)


A demo is available here:

Use case examples

Getting started

Download the JavaScript file in build/dist and add the following snippet to the <head> of your webpage:

<script type="module" defer>
    import createFeed from "/PATH_TO_JS";
            domain: "DATAVERSE_URL",
            params: {},

Default values for params:

const defaultParams = {
    sort: "date",
    order: "desc",
    type: "dataset",
    per_page: 10,
    show_facets: false,

The full list of parameters are here:

We currently use Bootstrap 5, so you might want to add the CSS to your page:

Build and Development

Clone the repo...

Install the dependencies:

npm install

To start the server:

npm run start

To build the module:

npm run build

Improvement ideas

  • support for other search API parameters/values
  • remove bootstrap
    • simplify template markup
    • add an optional simple CSS with customization options
  • support for older browser
  • allow to specify a query and hide the search field
  • enable/disable autoloading
  • add a button to go to Dataverse advanced search page
  • add a link to the Dataverse instance
  • create npm package
  • improve code/components organization
  • multilingual

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