Tavern is a online music player made with Flask and Svelte Kit. It is an open-source project still in development with only developer being me, C0deFreak, so any help is welcome :) My problem with current music players is all the ads and premium features and being a cheapskate I want the music to be free and the software customisable. The goal of this project is to make a customizable web app where every user can upload their music for free and share it. No paywalls or annoying ads just pure music. Artists (especially new ones) can gain publicity and can also add Patreon or PayPal links for donations. The project is part of the Croatian competition for students called "Razvoj softvera" and will be made public after it ends. Once the project is in a stable version I will add the link for the website but with my limited income it will need your help. Btw feel free to take a look at the code and if you have an idea help with development, seriously, I need help, plz.