
Everything you need to build a Svelte project, powered by create-svelte.

Run the project

If you're seeing this, you've probably already done this step. Congrats!

# install dependencies
npm install

# start local development version
npm run dev

# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab, project should be available on http://localhost:5173 in your browser
npm run dev -- --open

I also added a fake API - getFromApi for retrieving fake cart and products data. See example in index.svelte for usage. Both include a delay to simulate network loading.

Work to do

  • Display a loading info while the products are in loading state;

  • Display a tile for each product with the following infos:

    • Image (as image; you add also e.g.:"?imwidth=175" to the image url to get a 175px wide image, the size 175px is just an example and can be defined based on requirements)
    • Name
    • Base Price (formatted in German Currency format e.g. 1.2 will be "€1,20")
    • Base Unit
  • In the grid the minimum tile width should be 300px with maximum 7 tiles in a row being displayed on screen.

  • The tiles should be displayed in a grid and as one column on screens below 480px.

  • The layout of the tiles and their content should be optimised for mobile view below 480px and optimised for desktop view above 480px.

  • Add a search input field on top that allows filtering the products that contain the input in the product name.

Bonus task:

  • use CSS Grid in the layout of tiles;
  • Add the count in cart (amount > 0) to the product tile (Note: You have to use the sku field to find the matching products);

Evaluation points

  • Use of state management
  • Modular component design
  • DRY (Reusable code)
  • Rendering / Performance / Management of Component lifestyle
  • Strong typing and consistent use of Typescript
  • General knowledge of CSS and proper use of selector specificity
  • Mobile Responsiveness
  • Technical explanation of code
  • Good Test Coverage using Playwright
  • Web accessibility standards are followed
  • W3c Standards are followed

Additional Information

  • Even though this project is fairly simple try to organize it like you would do for larger components.

  • Your solution should scale with your experience.

  • Be prepared to explain your solution and your code in 15 minutes presentation.

  • Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Good luck

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