Client for the daily updates of the Handasaim School schedule. Hosted on Vercel. Python Serverless functions provide the /api/schedule
endpoint which returns the schedule as json (cached by backend for ~16.6 minutes).
At any time the school can change the format of the schedule. In case of changes to the .xlsx file on GDrive, the config in backend/ needs to be changed:
In the XLSX file check if the empty cell that starts the table is correct and the cell that has the date.
Make sure that XLSX_URL hasn't changed. If it did, find the new one by going to the school site Google Sheet Schedule and set the XLSX_url to the url with the export?format=xlsx query without the id. i.e: edit#gid=153628457
To run locally with the Vercel CLI, easiest way to run the entire stack: (Must have Python and Node installed)
npm install -g vercel
vercel dev
To run only front end locally-
cd frontend
npm install
npm run dev
To run only api:
python -m venv env
# on Linux:
source env/bin/activate
# on Windows Powershell:
pip install -r requirments
python api/