HandasaimSchedule Svelte Themes


Client for the Handasaim School schedule. Python backend on Vercel, frontend in Svelte.


Client for the daily updates of the Handasaim School schedule. Hosted on Vercel. Python Serverless functions provide the /api/schedule endpoint which returns the schedule as json (cached by backend for ~16.6 minutes).

Development -

At any time the school can change the format of the schedule. In case of changes to the .xlsx file on GDrive, the config in backend/main.py needs to be changed:

In the XLSX file check if the empty cell that starts the table is correct and the cell that has the date. Make sure that XLSX_URL hasn't changed. If it did, find the new one by going to the school site Google Sheet Schedule and set the XLSX_url to the url with the export?format=xlsx query without the id. i.e: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Eq3CQgjbVGXv0DXgsztmfax6JWu8iYH3/export?format=xlsx edit#gid=153628457

Fork the repo and deploy:

Local development:

To run locally with the Vercel CLI, easiest way to run the entire stack: (Must have Python and Node installed)

npm install -g vercel
vercel dev

To run only front end locally-

cd frontend
npm install
npm run dev

To run only api:

python -m venv env

# on Linux:
source env/bin/activate
# on Windows Powershell:

pip install -r requirments
python api/index.py

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