sveltekit-long-poll Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Long Poll

An example project which uses long polling to send realtime push out to other users very responsively


This is a simple adjustment to the usual sveltekit demo template app, which adds a simple long polling log system, and demonstrates it by providing chat rooms.

In a real world application you would want to clear the logs out of memory when they're not in use for a while. And for a chat, you'd also probably want to start sparsely clearing out the start of the array. It wouldn't make sense to keep the entire history in memory forever.

But for relatively short lived sessions, like streaming updates of a long running server operation to the client, or a mulitplayer game where there's a pretty finite limit on how long a game will run or how many actions will occur, it's pretty reasonable to just keep the whole state stored in memory while people are still using it.

Made this to demonstrate to a friend, how long polling can be used to provide usable and responsive push in a sveltekit application without needing to wait for sveltekit to ship streaming responses, and without needing to get messy with websockets.

-<3 Phoenix

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